
I’m sure I’m on a fools errand here but...

Color me shocked that a man who writes books like Nicholas Sparks writes, is in fact the worst.

omg I have been a Christiano Ronaldo gay-truther for years!

Old/middle aged white voters are terrified of “the others” (blacks, Mexicans, etc.) As long as Trump attacks “the others” on a daily basis, he’s got their vote. And old white voters are like a damn brick wall. They remain silent, don’t post on social media, don’t do online polls, but they show up and vote like the Sun

She looks like she's being suffocated!

Isn’t he gay, and this was a contract thing?

Doesn't say which palace

Addendum: Also, so far, Mueller’s Report only convinced a single Republican (in the entire Congress) that Trump should be impeached. Most have not even read the redacted version. Let that same information (in the limited form of redacted written transcripts or descriptions of interviews by Mueller’s team) come out in

If they immediately jumped to a vote to impeach, this would be over in less than 2 months. This is not the same as a criminal trial. Likening it to those cases where a prosecutor fails to bring charges misses the mark. There is no (theoretically) non-partisan jury involved in this. For an actual criminal case, you

It’s an attempt to make apathy and petulance appear noble.

Frankly, as a white person, I feel the same as you. I don’t understand this idea that somehow “less evil” isn’t better than “more evil;” if someone asked you to choose between being punched in the face, and being punched in the face more, which would you take?

All they’d have to do is show of picture of a cute baby and claim that their judges saved it from abortion by Planned Parenthood’s roving D&C vans and too many will gleefully vote R anyway.

I know they won’t check any box with a D next to the name but maybe, just maybe, they won’t bother voting at all.

This could serve to raise the embarrassment level of their voters so that maybe they aren’t as fired up to get to the polling place next election to keep them in office.

This is a nice thought, besides the fact that there’s already enough on their voting record to remove their seat... 

No. Complacency has nothing to do with it.

You know why the won the senate? Because Democratic purists stayed home mad that Barack didn’t give them their pony. People stayed home in 10, 12 & 14 and look what happened? When people show up like they did in 18 The GOP has no fucking chance, gerrymandering or not. 

I’m white. I know plenty of white people who voted for Trump but aren’t happy with the job he’s doing now. But the fear of impeachment backfiring and leading them to vote for him again out of spite (pretty well the reason they voted for him the first time) is very real.

No. That is false, and is a weird type of (evil) magical thinking.

Uh Mike hate to break it to you but no college educated black person that I know, and I yes I know plenty most of all of us have advanced degrees also, are calling for this. A bunch of us sat around and said this would blow up in our faces and pretty much said JoyAnn Reid and crew need to drop the charade. The loudest