3 years of overwatch and he quits over losing method of being toxic?...
3 years of overwatch and he quits over losing method of being toxic?...
“I checked it. They actually did it. It’s live. I uninstalled. This is my last post. Bye Overwatch after 3 years of every day play. I won’t support censorship on such level,”
Huh, I have never noticed this problem. Maybe its because I leave my PS4 on Sleep mode at all times so everything is automatic done for me while its sleeping.
I think they’re both Vocaloids (Meiko and Rin)!
Right? Also, normally I cringe at how awful Clueless Hero is. This week, I actually cracked a smile. If you’ve ever seen the movie “Go”, Timothy Olyphant’s character talks about “Family fucking Circus” and how it ruins the rest of the Sunday paper. That’s usually how I view Clueless Hero. I was pleasantly surprised.
If you’re flammable and have legs, you are never blocking a fire extinguisher.
Not the Antonio Brown come back story I expected.
I deny all knowledge of this comic or buying it at Pike Place Market in the 90’s.
Not quite Bondage Fairies but...I should just stop typing now, shouldn’t I?
Track: Believe | Artist: The Chemical Brothers | Album: Push the Button
It’s not butt, it’s OHM!
I’ve been playing through .hack//GU recently, so I can only read that title as butt-Labyrinth Life.
All I’m reading here is “trade in your original, hackable switch for an unhackable, more expensive one!”
Nope. Call me next year when the new model (hopefully without easy-break joycons) is released.
The announcement for TWAU season 2 with Bigby’s voice actor saying “Ok mundies, you been bugging me for 3 years. It finally paid off. Season 2, 2018" Was the most exciting game announcement in years for me. I was a huge fan of Red Dead Redemption and the announcement of the sequel didn’t even excited me half as much…
Yeah man Borderlands was such a delightful surprise for me. I played it through without knowing anything about the property beforehand, just that I’d enjoyed other Telltale games. The freshness and humor was just great.
Totally agree. But that’s a pretty tough distinction to make, no?