Fetal Alcohol Velodrome

I think he was probably one of the great fantasy players of all time.

I have seen that too though - a mom with a kid sitting behind my row, mom’s busy on her phone while her kid is kicking my seat repeatedly. I get that we all need breaks from endless parenting, but if you’re not even trying, you’re getting the death glare, comments and judgments. If you’re actively trying but

The one about babies is especially tough. I’m told that very young children can’t equilibrate the pressure in their ears like the rest of us, so changes in altitude can be very painful. So the baby might be in genuine pain and there is little parents can do to make them feel better.

At 44, I make similar requests.

Let’s not be disingenuous. The Republicans were perfectly happy shutting down the federal government over a political spectacle, they were perfectly OK with fucking over Garland’s Supreme Court nomination with over a year left in Obama’s term over made up reasoning and they are perfectly OK with Nunes making a mockery

While true, McConnell knows, by now, that Trump is a peril to their senate and house majorities. At this point he has to decide if he is OK with Democrats passing medicare for all with a 51 vote majority sometime in the next 4 to 8 years. My guess is he will not roll the dice over some deficit busting tax cut.

The bit about it being sloppy or wrong if, by some miracle, they actually do the work is what kills most of us dead, I think.

I was a registered republican until two years ago and now I’m unaffiliated. I never voted for Obama(in fact I handed out republican voter guides starting at poll open 2008) and I dislike Hillary (but I voted for her holding my nose). I’m going to have to ask you to go to the SOURCE documents and find some evidence of

One thing I know the Trump administration will achieve over the next 4 years is finding myself agreeing with people I’d never agree with. First McCain, then George W, and now Coach K?!?! Who’s next, Dan Snyder? Jerry Jones? Ron Paul?

Hey, Meals on Wheels isn’t political, either. But, you know, it’s 2017, and evidently feeding the elderly poor just isn’t a good investment anymore and anybody who says differently or advocates basic human decency is just being ‘political’ anymore.

This would be like if after seeing his parents gunned down in an alley, Bruce Wayne grew up to become a prominent NRA advocate.

You know what these guys really need? A $54,000 per year tax cut so that their conspicuously consumed dollars can trickle down to the 24 million who are soon to be without health insurance.  

I think the detriment isn’t so much the occasional IBB fuck-up, it’s that Baseball has always had the idea that in order for things to count they actually have to happen. So we don’t let someone hit a homerun and then just walk back to the dugout. They actually have to run the bases and touch homeplate despite the

Re: that last one. If you do anything in the United States, it’s on the back of an economy established by slave labor. No matter how you choose to act on that, it’s something you have to come to terms with, and not just if you’ve lived in the South.

Wow, good on him. He’s smart and funny and doesn’t take any shit. Those responses are perfect.

How do you stop that?

Having a strong opinion about whether Ellison or Perez should be the next DNC chair strikes me as a misallocation of mental energy. Five minutes after reading an article like this I won’t be able to remember which set of not-ideologically sorted Democrats (Schumer supports Ellison! Biden supports Perez!) are supposed

What’s especially cool about this is that Perez is only running for DNC chair because the more logical office for him to seek, Governor of Maryland, his home state, is considered by the Democratic establishment an “unwinnable” race because of the popularity of GOP governor Larry Hogan.

This season has always felt kind of like a prelude to a Pens-Caps playoff showdown for the East,

How the hell do you stop that? You can start by playing defense instead of whatever Sbisa is doing on this play.