Serious question: can some SuperPAC with nothing to do for the next year start running personal attack ads, or Howard Stern show clips, on primetime tv morning cable news? He’s filed for reelection already.
Serious question: can some SuperPAC with nothing to do for the next year start running personal attack ads, or Howard Stern show clips, on primetime tv morning cable news? He’s filed for reelection already.
Amen. Pace yourself, seriously. Don’t give yourself a rage stroke with every single Trump story. Whether it’s an intentional strategy or simply the result of a constant flow sheer dumbfuckery and evil, there’s a real danger that we’re all going to get burnt out before this motherfucker’s been in office for a month.
It would have been easy to feel sorry for them were it not for the fact that they could be the Brownshirts of the very near future.
which would be fine if it wasn’t so effective.
Courtesy is for the courteous. Trump and has ilk have no decency, no honor, no respect for anything other then themselves and whatever they can wring out of an unwitting public. They’re vampires without the decency to stay in the feaking night.
I loathe the fact that the Steelers are the only hope of knocking the Pats out of the playoffs before the Super Bowl. Two of my most disliked teams and nobody else in the AFC stands a chance against them.