Fetal Alcohol Velodrome

Ricketts will be covered by BCRA; rickets will not.

There’s really nothing remarkable here. Lots of athletes take time out of their schedule to visit retarded children.

It was about 4 p.m. in Iten, Kenya when Edna Kiplagat got hold of me on Skype. The connection was poor, so she tried


The weirdo

Crosby should not be playing. Even when injured he often still has that Crosby ability to be the best player on the ice & drag his team to a win. The fact that he isn’t even CLOSE to being able to do it tells me he’s fuuuucked up.

Liberty officials had planned to release their schedule later this spring, but President Trump forced their hand when he read the school’s future schedules aloud at Liberty’s graduation on Saturday.

As a Rangers fan, I don’t like him. As a hockey fan, I want to see him play hockey for 10 more years.

Correction, it was a lower body injury.

You, sir (ma’am?), are a rare breed. I know many people who root for Pittsburgh sports teams, but rarely are they so level-headed as to not believe something like this is a league-wide conspiracy to hold them down.

Pens fan: I didn’t think Niskanen deserved the major, nor does he deserve a suspension for it. It’s one of those freak, shitty things that could happen at any time.

A very good, objective take. Anyone who has watched or played hockey for many years agrees with it. Only extremely biased Pens fans do not.

I thought the misconduct was a surprise, honestly, but the refs viewed it full-speed on ice-level. Watching replays (over, and over, and over...), I don’t have the impression Niskanen did more than get his hands up to block Crosby flying at him after Ovechkin’s hit- and if it had just been that and Crosby got hurt,

I think it was his and Crosby’s combined momentums, rather than Niskanen driving through Crosby, that made the hit so violent, and it was Crosby’s dropping to the ice that made it a headshot, not any sort of targeting.

Niskanen is probably getting too much of the blame the wayward stick from Ovie to the back of the head was the catalyst for the play.

Curt Schilling thought that ball was not far right enough.

I know earnest does not work well here, but fucking good for him. Just a guy in the NFL who wants to do right by the kids and who calls other guys out for charging them — even if on behalf of a charity that these kids have no responsibility to support? Hell yeah.

Wow, talk about learning something new every day.

There’s not going to be a war. What happened was this: Assad stupidly went full Saddam and committed an atrocity that the West couldn’t just ignore, Trump saw an opportunity to gain back political points(the Repubs are struggling in a KANSAS election, ffs), Putin will make noise but is happy to see his puppet get back