Either theme parks or mall kiosks. Don’t know if I’ve ever seen them in a stadium before.
Craziest thing about that Ben Arfa play: the referee, Martin Atkinson, didn’t whistle for a foul. As a matter of fact, he motioned to Ben Arfa to get up. Even after it was obvious that he was seriously injured, Atkinson told the English FA that he saw the play and decided not to punish de Jong...therefore the appeal…
I said the same thing on Twitter. Half-expected Spieth to start rolling up his pant legs when he hit it in the water.
If ever a dunk warranted Kevin Harlan dusting off his “with no regard for human life!” call, that was it.
Maybe they need the tapes returned so they can go in the museum exhibit.
Bingo. I like to call this the “Jack Edwards test”: even if the announcers are favoring the home team, would this commentary be tolerable if you were a reasonable fan of the opponent?
Watching the clip...this exchange really merited a story on Deadspin? Whatever K and Brooks are saying to each other, it’s clearly got no animosity to it whatsoever.
Even if they didn’t want to do a full Arrowverse crossover, randomly throwing in Routh as Atom for a little Deadpool-esque moment could be amusing.
Literally had to look at that one twice. Even stranger - the Marlins never wore those all-teal jerseys in a real game. I think that was spring training/BP.
Definitely wouldn’t be posting any videos of the Longhorn Network, that’s for sure.
That was the thing that struck me about this whole sequence. How often does a team screw that up twice in an entire game, much less twice in about 30 seconds of game time?
Worth it if we get to witness this happening to a huge lineman:
With Tom Brady as the triggerman, Bennett a new hired gun, and Gronk’s ever-present explosiveness, the Pats have a real title shot this year. At the very least, they’ve got the AFC East on Glock...er, lock.
Running around their culs-de-sac?
I’m pretty sure I could feel my soul being extinguished while watching Barkley mess with the touchscreen. So thank you, bracket-leaker...whoever you are.
When I was out in Portland for the Newcastle preseason match (talk about being a masochist...), that was one of the things I really wanted to ask people out there about: how the hell do you motivate yourself to watch this trainwreck at 7:00 Saturday morning?
You could call that matador defense, but even matadors do something with their arms.
Looks like Penn State got the floor balance right when they hit that open 3 over the zone, so maybe this was like musical coaching?