Faux Spos Foes

Dr. Malcolm said it best:

That’s the one that jumped off the page to me. When you’re spending $8 or whatever for Bud Light at the concession stand, $30 for a 6-pack isn’t all that surprising. But you can almost buy a brand-new Keurig machine for what they’re charging (and then, you know, you have it to take home). Holy hell.

And wait, if Vinatieri is supposed to be Finn, then wouldn’t that make the Pats the First Order? This is really doing my head in.

Yeah, I should’ve tossed a sarcasm tag on there. I meant highlights in the sense of the blocked FG to lose the game and the fan reactions. You could probably loop the song 100 times and not run out of that sort of material. Ha.

Someone needs to make a Browns “highlight” video with “I Dreamed a Dream” playing in the background.

“the Hall is for the elite, not the exceptional.”

Fell out with Pardew, like he has with most of his managers. There’s a reason someone this talented has bounced around as much as he has. It looked like they’d make it work for a while, but a flair player who’s indifferent about defending is an easy scapegoat for a conservative manager. (See Hazard and Mourinho along

Like I said the last time HBA popped up on Deadspin: as a Newcastle fan, it’s brutal to see this dude’s highlights with Nice and realize we let him walk for nothing. Especially since the current squad is basically trash.

I'd be lighting myself on fire if I had to stand outside in Buffalo in January, so I see where this dude is coming from.

I love the commentary here. “Kobe thought he got all ball.” Yeah, he talked to the ref, but there’s no way in the universe that he thought that after dragging Lin down by the face.

Totally agree. This is a good litmus test for where the NFL really stands on the whole concussion issue. If they’re as serious as they claim to be (and I’m not holding my breath), they can’t let a dude intentionally try to injure someone with a headshot, regardless of what happened earlier in the game.

(Though Houde does wish English-language broadcasters would make more of an effort to respect Francophone players’ preferred pronunciations. He says he’s sick of hearing about this guy named “Mario Lemiuuuu.”)

Would’ve been extremely disappointed if someone didn’t post this.

This is amazing. Also enjoyed seeing JR Smith 5 times on that list, because of course...

The only thing it’s missing is emojis bouncing around in the background. But yeah, I busted out laughing the first time I saw this.

To everyone claiming that the refs got it right, the ACC obviously didn’t think so, as it just suspended all of the on-field officials involved in this game as well as the replay staff:

Yeah, my bad on that one.

“Aroma of the dank as I’m breathing through the bank.”

Adele wishes she put this line in the original.

Would vote for him in a heartbeat.

Can’t see anything about this film without “YOU ARE TEARING ME APART, LISA!” reverberating in my brain.