
Problem solved, not well...but solved.

Dudes rocking a black label shirt, nice work.

@TheFu: Many good points you touched on there, but none hit closer to home then the noisy fan. I have just recently become victim of this on my rig and it is driving me insane. Will be stopping to pick up a new one after work.

"with a solar panels juicing bulbs at night."

Me and a friend at work have had this idea for over a year. We were more thinking about the phones in the near future with dual cores that will have a bit more computing power though. Or at least that of your average netbook. Simply dock your phone to the keyboard, (granted the way they implemented this is better than

@zenneth: Well you certainly have greater self control then I do on the road. I give them one beep and about 15 seconds (granted there is no car next to them so they cant move out of the way) before the salute is out my window and staring them in the face as I zoom around them. Just yesterday I was badly cut off by a

@zenneth: In all seriousness, am I the bigger asshole for passing someone going under the speed limit in the fast lane? Or is the idiot driving under the posted speed limit in the fast lane the bigger ass? I agree it is one of the more dangerous ways to pass a vehicle, but if your going 5mph under the speed limit in

@thebrokencarnage: The xbox360 is really easy to mod as well. MS will every once in a while do a big ban wave of xbox's it finds to be modded, and no longer give them access to xbox live though. However they haven't done one since a little over a year ago where they actually banned millions of the xbox live

Pulling up in someone driveway and just taking off with a huge camper? That takes some serious balls. But I suppose once you have it, it wouldn't be to hard to get away with. Just get a permenant camp site for it and hope the real owners don't also camp there.

@crackel: Its all pink on the outside..er wait, how does that saying go again?

Novel idea but surely my roomate would have wiped the tv clean before I even get home from work.

I dont know if I would want to know what the other person was thinking sometimes. Or vice versa. Would be pretty cool to be able to use their eyes though.

Wait, dressing up on an airplane is illegal now? Or was it that he

I would have brought but not unpacked my ipod, just in case we

@KingArthur: Netevator? Excellent idea. Perhaps we can share the

I was disappointed with Kinect too, he should have just waited for

@brijazz: I think he was referring to the commentors that were

@beiber: The communication with people may suffer, but everyone I had as a friend was actually someone I know and not a random ad, so they have my phone number if they ever want to share anything with me. More than anything it comes down to how lazy your friends are. Alot will just throw up a FB post and assume all

I am more excited to see where this type of technology lands in the computer world. Though I am not in any rush to get rid of the keyboard and mouse I think it could have some pretty fun/practical applications. This has not thrilled me in any way however. I think the launch titles play a big role there. I do enjoy the