
Well as I have already almost completely stopped visiting anything Gawker, today as a newly unstarred commentor I can comfirm this will be my last visit to any Gawker site period. I would like to thank the good writers and editors (also Sam Spratt whos work is nothing short of amazing) that got me through my workday

@n0directi0nh0me: How come the guy in the middle with the most light on him casts nearly no shaddow like the other two?

Slow news days eh?

Wow don't write an article or anything. You call yourself a blogger? Talk about piss poor performance. Why write anything when you can just post a link with a few sentences that mean nothing without reading the source. Seriously, read up on it and post a real story, or drop the "blogger" moniker from your job title.

So did you guys decide to shoot yourself in the only foot you had left to stand on and stop updating the .uk and .ca sites?

See you there!

@Steve J. Meyers: "But the things you are describing- especially you former employees- do not happen"

@ImSpartacus: How exactly did they upgrade to the Thunderbolt? Is it available in stores somewhere I have not seen?

@SkipErnst: What about firing kittens as the artillery?

Pre order Homefront and get a FREE OnLive game console

Also perhaps for the Gaming section, you can get a free OnLive game system just for pre ordering Homefront.

The Nook Color is down to $200 today and that didnt make the list? You crazy Giz.

@1 Inch Punch: From this point on, if anyone wants to express their disappointment/disapproval with the site redesign it should be in the form of a haiku as presented above. A+ my friend.

Are things panning out the way you had hoped Mr. Denton? I see page views are down quite significantly across all sites that were redesigned, as well as number of comments, and especially the number of quality comments. The question now is, do you continue on and attempt to build a new following, or switch back while

Are you guys at the event? If so, why not run an updating live blog rather then a bunch of different posts? Page views?

@DrManhattan: "I see more typos on Gizmodo that any other tech site..."

@Homer Berkowitz: That or they used industrial silicone not meant for humans instead of medical silicone. Most the cases I have read about people dying in this fashion, were related to people doing this.

@clientized: Hearted. Yes you can still do that..Just a pain in the ass.

It really scares me that this company has so much control over media these days. Of all the companies in the world, people cater to Apple with their content.

@ddmeightball: Fair enough. I am more looking forward to the Samsung series 9 laptop coming out hopefully soon. I think February was the projected month anyway. There is simply nothing these tablets can do that it couldn't do better, at least for my needs.