
@Markarian: I like the image of the world you just painted in my imgination there. Can we go there now instead?

@qwerty613: That's not the law here in Minnesota. Anything less then $500 is a misdameanor that requires no jail time and a small fine. Anything beyond $500 is a felony, and thats where the real shit hits the fan.

@beiber: Mostly I grew out of it I guess. Similar to the whole myspace thing that encompassed everyone before this. The privacy issues are a concern, and now knowing I will have another fucking farmville request of any nature makes me breath a sigh of relief in itself.

Reason #153,235,516,256,636 to delete your facebook acct. Funny it took that many for me to have just done it now myself..

@The K Gee19: I was starting to worry I was the only one. I commend you for feeling the same, as on this subject I rarely meet like minded individuals. A heart for you sir.

@rebeldevil: So the "smug" episode of South Park was pretty accurate then huh?

The comparison of Apple and BMW made me shudder a little. I love all my BMW's as if I had kids, and wouldn't piss on an ipad if it were on fire. But damn if he wasn't right.

As a person who has completely avoided Mcdonalds for 4+ years because it makes me sick to even think about that nasty stuff, this still really bothers me. Though I am all for the well being of future generations, this is not the method we should be using. If this succeeds, it is only a small matter of time before

@PunkRockMachine: I thought the firewire output would be how you access the "built-in software" though I also would like someone to elaborate a bit more as to what said software entails.

@Yinzers Are People Too: I am certainly no expert, and this is probably the worst example possible, but on Penn and Tellers show Bullshit, they showed that it actually takes a bigger enviromental toll to recylce a bottle then it does to create a new one.

@Yinzers Are People Too: One benefit to the enviroment may be that you aren't throwing away a bottle everytime you finish one, instead you refill the same bottle and use another pellet or whatever.

Best Buy sent me to a store over 100 miles away from my home store, as that location was the only one that had the product I wanted in stock. Well I arrived a few hours and over 100 miles later to find out they also did not have the product, nor had the first employee called to assure they did like he said he had.

@hbuzzell: Had you settled on a price range your comfortable with? Also, are there any specs you would consider necessary in the choice you make? For example screen size, and whether it is a capacitive or resistive screen, or things like the particular build of Android OS used, or the type and number of ports it has?

@Vexorg: I hear you man, my left eye is like looking through steamed up glass. I cant see shit. So 3D to me is useless.

@freedomweasel: Everyone instantly thinks Chris Farley when I mention the movie Black Sheep. Sigh, at least one other person knows what good cinema is.

If you think she is cheating, she is. No app necessary.

The only thing even slightly appealing here is the $45/month.

That literally broke my heart. I shall cherish mine that much more now. R.I.P

I really like this, and have been considering buying a nook anyway. Pixel QI screen in this would have made it an instant purchase with out even second guessing even at a higher price point. If they can cook up some good ROMS for it that will definitely help sway my decision. Just not sure I want invest in something