
@Krdshrk: Your wearing it wrong.

@Hello Mister Walrus: "and uses a mini 12v Battery with 2+ hours of battery life" It was towards the end.

Note to self, don't go out drinking while outfitted in this costume.

I have switched between this and BuglessBeast. Either of which I would recommend. If your using Android and a handset that can be rooted, do yourself a favor and do it.

@Kodros: Did I say that? Because I just looked over my previous post and I didnt see myself having typed that anywhere. But if it makes my point any more clear or true, the psp was a flop in comparison to other "dedicated handheld video game devices" sure 60 million isn't to bad, until you compare it to the more then

@phunnyballs: Maybe we are looking at different wikipedia pages? The one I am looking at clearly states and I quote "Its alcohol content varies from state to state, ranging from 6% ABV in Indiana[2] up to 12.5% in Ohio"

@not_a_virus.exe.vbs: The alchohol content varies by state, the most potent being %12.5 in Ohio which is only about 3 times the amount of a normal size 12oz Bud Light or the like. So it would be closer to the equivelant of a case of regular beer which I have seen lots of people do. That would be a whole lot of

@anexanhume: Thats a pretty decent size number, but spread out over about 6 years since it originally came out, all the sudden it is no longer impressive. Devices these days are selling a tenth of that number in the the launch week alone. Don't get me wrong, I bought one just for GOW, but I also never really played it

@imdante: What's wrong with demonoid? Or what would be an example of a good private site? Waffles?

Perfect, I have been looking for a new shift knob in my car!

I will have to take anything with the words Facebook and Security in the same sentence with a huge grain of salt.

@Strangelove: That was a comment worthy of a heart in my book. All Apple hate aside, the points you made are to often overlooked. As a sheeple shepard Steve is a god in leading their way, as an actual person he represents all the is wrong in this world. You may now all commence the flaming of this comment and tell me

@RobotVampire: Exactly, to say something like Android tablets will have %33 of the marketshare might be a more feasible assumtion to obtain. One specific tablet on the other hand, let alone one running an OS that the maker themselves have been quoted as saying is not optomized for a tablet, seems to be pretty far

@sammy baby: The wifi only one at least interests me, but if it can't tether to my Droid wirelessly through AD-HOC I will wait for something else.

"Samsung has stated that they expect to ship 10 million Galaxy Tabs, and snatch up 1/3 of the world's tablet market share, by third quarter 2011."

@Settings: Same here, all my gadgets regardless of age are still finely polished. But by definition online are nearly worthless. Shenanigans.

Nothing like the smell of DynaMacAir in the morning.

I am just glad its not a Moto handset. I love my original Droid, but that's only because Moto didn't muck that one up like some of the more recent iterations. I wan't a 4.3" screen on my next phone, and this looks like a potential winner. I guess we will just have to see what kind of rebuttal HTC has to this device by