
I don't really see what this is going to stop. The tweens in questions already don't use full words to text. Shortening things like "tomorrow", to "2morow" and the like. All this will do is change the lingo they use a little to get by the filter. Kinda like those spam email subjects, Buy V1@gra! and such.

@moonshadowkati: I didn't see an open position for "Vacationing Kiteographer" at this time. I will have to keep an eye out for it though. I am certain I meet the qualifications. I like gettin paid alot to do what most people consider a vacation, and can totally fly a kite.

@DJKGinHD: I kinda meant it wouldn't be a bad idea to actually start making them like this, but not by using a sticker to do it. Sorry should have been more clear.

How do I get a job going on a 5 year extravagant vacation with my wife as long as I fly my kite to snap some pics while I do it?

Not looking to bad now is it Apple? As long as it's not just a sticker..

@Celtic1888: Wow really? I watched my roomate drop his off his lap onto a curb getting out of his car and it barely put a scratch in the screen. Plus he is 6'5" so it fell a considerable distance. I thought Gorilla Glass was nearly indestructable after that. But I suppose if you dropped it just right (or wrong) it

@izzaboo: Though I am not in quite the same boat as you, I certainly struggle to find the thrills and enlightenment that I once did as a kid. Maybe it's because we were just learning so much of what we know now that the enlightening effect has dissipated. But clearly judging by the above story, its there to be had,

@Bruce Landwaster: I live in Minnesota so I will be spending alot of time over the next few months cooped up to avoid the -20 windchills we aften get. So that alone makes things tough for me too. How did you go about "untethering" yourself. I think getting away from the material object lifestyle can be good for

If I didn't have such strong ties to family and things I would love to live this lifestyle. I personally would prefer a companion for my travels, (preferably a woman) but you will certainly meet some along your way if nothing else. It would be truely enlightening and sometimes probably frightening way to live your

And if a frog had wings he wouldn't bump his ass when he hopped.

I know there is alot of controversy surrounding this type of thing, though I am not sure what one side thinks opposed to the other. But I will take the, "this is awesome" side, if with this treatment comes cures to things we could never have cured before it. I am blind in one eye, and if somewhere down the road stem

@TheMightyTexMex: What kind of upgrade do you need to return your phone to them for? Also, though there may not techinically be a 1 click unroot, there are numerous tutorials to unroot and probably the most helpful people you will find on the internet on forums if you run into any problems. Its totally worth your time

@Kwinten: Making $30 an hour untaxed he could easily afford a nice place to live. But no 401k or health benefits..Seriously though, there are enough sick people in the world I could see some trying to dress up as a homeless person to try and make that kind of money. I mean people go as far as stealing from

"Windows phone 7 Phone." There has to be an easier way to refer to these. A product name has never been so close to a full sentence before.

Well could you imagine being homeless and no access to porn? What if he was checking Giz to see which new WP7 he will get?

Of course this comes 3 days after I do it the "hard way." But in all honesty even that was really easy. The only thing I have against 1 click rooting is going through the manual way actually teaches the user a little about what they are doing, which could help them alot if they were to run into a problem. But I am all

@crazypills77: I can't say I know of the best Sense UI Rom, but this is the one I am running and I can tell you for sure you will not be disappointed for trying it.

@TheMightyTexMex: "Another caveat: there's no unroot button (yet)"

I am not sure what would be considered worse, a large company that develops a catch phrase for their line of products as illustrated here, or a celebrity like Paris Hilton being granted the same privilege for the slogan "that's hot" which she infact did. I am leaning towards individuals such as Paris being the worse