
@donlphi: Easy there bud, I was simply posing a hypothetical question. No intention of taking a stab at anyone. I realize "useful" is a term that varies by user, but in general I would not consider things like fart apps useful. No study would ever be truely accurate to deem which apps are considered to be useful in

@FlameCell: It would be neat to see someone do an actual study regarding how many iphone/Android apps actually serve a useful purpose as opposed to fart apps and the like. I would be willing to bet both of them are somewhere in the %15-20 range of apps that are actually useful, or games that you would play more than

Truth is, even back then he saw this coming. He was just ahead of the curve, that's all.

@Kryptonyc: It's a wonderful thought. I am actually a little happy I will have time to see how the OS performs before my carrier gets the hardware and I make a hasty purchase. Plus I just rooted my original Droid last night, so its almost like I have a new phone already. Hopefully some WP7 love will be available

@SethThresher: I shall join you in the star gazing, if you see the constellation referred to as VerizonHD7 please let me know.

@SethThresher: I got my fingers crossed too, but I have a feeling Big Red wont be getting any WP7 love till early 2011. Only time will tell, but on the optomistic side of things, it gives them additional time to put together something really great that could best the first gen models we are seeing today. But alas this

Ewww I got some shoe in my gum.

@Zendax: They ported Android to the HD2 didn't they? Giving it the ability to dual boot WinMo and Android? I am not %100 sure of this but thought I recalled reading it. If so then there is hope, those Devs are some clever guys who continue to coin the phrase, "where there is a will there is a way." I look forward to

I would gladly buy this today if there were a Verizon flavor of it. Sigh..

I haven't really kept up on the whole WP7 thing, but I think it was because I had heard some time ago that Verizon would not be included in the initial launch and wouldn't carry their phones till later in 2011? Can anyone in the know confirm/deny this? Seems by the pics I have seen they are slated more for AT&T and

@TheLostVikings: Thanks man! That is a thing a beauty. Can't wait till they hit shelves.

They took any shooting related games out of the fairs around here a few years back. I assumed something about a fully automatic air compressor powered bb gun they thought might be unsafe for the general masses. Bummer though, thats the only reason I went to the fair. Oh well, there is always mini donuts.

@mecha2142: Do you have a link to the post he put up yesterday? I have been holding out for the Notion since I first laid eyes on it. Any new info about it would be great!

@lankysob: Lets not forget some of Barts other gems:

Is Seymore Butts there?

Hmm this comes to light and made most public right before a ton of tablets come out. Marketing ploy to steer people further away from laptops and toward new gadgets without said side effect?

@lindsayk: Though I still have a home connection I use PDAnet all the time for netbook while on the go. Though I intend on rooting my phone this evening actually and give the wireless tether a shot. If I get equivelant speeds its a keeper!

@secretpizzaparty: He sure likes taking pictures of his food. I didn't actually count but it sure looked as though there were more pics of the expensive meals he ate then anything else. However that does explain other potential questions. They don't call him a baller because of his money, more because of his shape.

@numo16: I too am hopeful, but no such thing should even be necessary.