
@j.walk3: I am told by people that have been to jail, they take a bunch of bread and orange juice from lunch, put them together in a bag and let the yeast from the bread do the work. I cant imagine it was all that good, but they said after a few days when they strained it, they got hammered.

@Retsaot: Though I agree with alot of what you said, The only reason I see this sentence fit, is because he was trying to get those same charges put on a completely innocent (at least of that particular crime) man. If he felt no guilt in doing that to another person, why should the judge have any forgivness about

@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: I second this motion. I did however get some really good tips from some of the shooters on the last competition about what cameras to look at getting. So I am one step of the way there.

@dsands: Is fuckin balls a good thing? I am obviously way behind on todays lingo. Anyway, I just did a Google image search for "funny captchas" and this was on the second or third page.

@Jeremy: +1 for beating me to that comment. I had a feeling I should double check before I posted it too.

@swistak: @hardreturn: @johnhmeyer123: @nnagavelli: You should all take note, because I will probably never say this again. +1 Apple. If what all of you have told me is true anyway.

Is it bad that I would rather read what spammers have to post then the actual people they are spamming? Shit asian porn is way better than anything I have ever seen tweeted by anyone. Maybe this is the time for me to sign up for the social infection that is Twitter. Or perhaps open my own called twiiter, where its all

@Wrathernaut: You forgot Myspace in your recollection. But, meh, I wouldn't blame you for just leaving that one out anyway..

@HeartBurnKid: Agent of R.O.A.C.H.: Did you read the douchebag remarks the owners left on bad reviews? Clearly that is the best method of getting future customers to stay there. "Well, I see 87 reviews all saying this place is a complete hole, and all of them are saying the exact same things, but wait, the owner

@Patrick O'Neill: Did the hardware have anything to do with it? Could that developer not have made the exact same thing on an Android, or WebOS device? Unless there is something specific about the iphone that lead to this, that cannot be replicated on any other platform than Apple will get no praise from me. The

I don't know if I should credit the iphone here, or the developer. But, WOW. That is one of the coolest things I have read in a long time. Makes you appreciate things you take for granted everyday, if even for only a few minutes.

@FrankenPC: Same here, I thought this was a common practice amongst most people. But hey, it can only help other people lazier then us..

I didn't know there was an actual terminology for this, but it works great for me.

@N1k0s: I think they need to make the ipad a little thicker and include dual parallel ports.

@usedtowork: Touch'e. And a prime example or great engineering. Someday I will be able to afford one..

Remote start for my car is a god send. I would prefer a heated garage, but thats slightly more expensive..