
@SEDAGIVE?!: If you use pepperjack in cheese curds, it is amazing.

But then how do I cook a pizza when I come home drunk and hungry? I don't own one of those pizazz things..

@usedtowork: Don't put a pane of glass in front of your face in a moving vehicle unless you have the distance you do from the windshield when driving. I think you would be lucky if a seatbelt held your face back far enough from a hard collision to not hit that.

@usedtowork: It would be really hard to slam your face into a really small screen in the back of a headrest in a minivan vs a car. This however would be an easy target for your face to smash into in all it glassy goodness. Have fun picking that out.

@jsbaugh1: If by sweet you mean incredibly dangerous in a crash then yeah they are sweet. Also, yes, I am indeed a hater of all things Apple. Mostly Jobs himself though.

@KamWrex: I agree about the aux input. I use my ipod, phone, or whatever I got handy with a 3.5mm on it. If the ipod dies and I forgot my charger its all good.

They are suposed to be "The Ultimate Driving machine." Not "The Magical Driving Machine." You let me down here a little BMW. I have driven nothing but Bimmers for years, with never a hint of resentment for their choices in what to incorperate into their cars. Sad day.

@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: DNS or Domain Name System, is basically what allows your computer/browser to know that www.Gizmodo.com means go to or it translates URL's into ip addresses.

@KTope: @Carl Stern: @mricyfire: That what I get for trying to be witty. Damn you socially connected folk. Perhaps it time I actually make a FB page so my friends stop harping me about it.

They should start a FaceBook page so I can "like" them.

@Dogen: You certainly just sold me on it completely. How does one connect it to said cloud though? Being as thin as it is and all.

Nice to see Sony push out an update that actually adds features. The last 3 I have installed just removed or patched things.

@sarge5: ↑,↑,↓,↓,←,→,←,→,A,B,Select,Start was the answer I was looking for. But thanks for playing, you've been great. Tune in next week, same time, same place.

Using the iron trick to remove wax in my carpet from a spilled candle saved me from losing my deposit at my last apartment. Although I used newspaper when I did it, and a paper bag to finish up when I ran out of news paper. It worked just the same, and it was a literal puddle of wax when it spilled to begin with that

@sarge5: But what if I have the fabled Sword of 1,000 Truths?

@satalac: My old car was composed of 12 Infinity Perfect speakers. The only subs were two 10" perfects in a competition bandpass box. They had a hard kick, and were crisp and clear. It was nice and loud in the car but you could barely hear the thump outside, more the rest of the music with bass behind it. Just the way

I have gotten a similar response the one time I tried chat assistance. Everytime I asked a question, it would respond with something like, "I'm sorry, it doesn't look like I will be able to help you. I will have to escalate you to the next level of support." Apparently they have 10+ levels and not one could answer any

Perhaps now they can make something comparable to this for car stereos. Sad most people still just want maximum bass and nothing else. So you can hear nothing but loud unadalterated rattling from outside, and nearly the same inside. I could probably burn them an album of nothing but bass lines if they think that is

Wow what a god-awful situation to ever be stuck in. Even once found knowing you will remain there for months more. Ouch. Thats sweet they got em a pico projector to watch whatever they possibly can though. Now how about a smart phone/pmp and figure out a way to pipe some wifi on down there? As much as I don't want to,

@Volanova: As I mentioned above I can be clumsy, so indestructible is a good quality. Money isn't any problem, but from a practicality standpoint, I don't need to be toting around a camera that makes professionals jealous. Especially when they ask me something about it and I stare at them like a deer in headlights