
@Snarktopus: Would you recommend getting everything new? I have to imagine I could get some pretty decent deals on a used one with extra lenses and things through ebay or the like. I just don't know what the potential issues that could arrise from buying a perhaps mistreated camera from someone across the country are,

@gthorne: I will have to look into them a bit to see which will meet the needs I am looking for. I should probably get something like the LX3 you describe because portability will be nice. I dont know if I am ready to carry a bigger camera, extra lenses, etc. That and I can be clumsy at times, which could be expensive.

Wow those were probably the highest quality contest shots I have seen on here. Being I am not be any means a "camera guy" but am interested in dabbling a bit, what kind of camera would those of you in the know recommend? I just want something that will take quality pictures, and leave me room to learn about settings

I could probably still be using free AOL with all the discs they sent me ten years ago to use it for free. But even then I didn't use them, made great coasters though!

Dear HTC: Please release that very Evo-esque looking phone to Verizon in the near future.

@Joe Brown: Hmm I don't like the sound of that either. I may have to get a little crafty on this one and make my own perhaps. Appreciate the star too!

The best part of that whole article?

@OrtizDupri: I could not agree more, I love the endless options that Android provides. However loading custom roms is getting harder as companies install more and more deterents to the hardware so it cant be done. Furthermore, as much as I love having the ability to root and remove whatever I like, I feel things like

Last year I could not be more pro-Android. But with the fragmentation, bloatware, and now this..I liked plain old vanilla Android, and this just doesn't taste good at all. Leave it to greedy companies to wreck a beautiful thing. Maybe someday Google will man up and give the user what they want after enough bitching,

@FauxReal: Perhaps this pic will work..He appears to even have ninja like abilities to not be seen in photos apparently.

That's definitely Steve. You can tell by the eyes of pure evil.

I really like what I see, but the main selling points won't benefit me. I would prefer a mouse over touch, I am not one who cares much for 3D, especially when glasses are required. However the quality internals this thing is packing would almost still make me consider it..almost.

@Christian Lindfors: Isn't there naked news over there? I would be alot more inclined to sit down and pretend I cared what was happening if I was told by a gorgeous nude woman..

I found an excellent mouse trap for my garage using household items. I used a 1 gallon ice cream bucket, filled it about 3/4 with water, then spread peanut butter around the inside of the bucket just above the water level and set a paint stirring stick from ground to top of bucket so they would have a means of

@Vone: I am sure he accomplished all that because of twitter.

If you do a wheelie you might get a face full of Mr. Ed.

@Vone: Yes he is, actually he is even better. Rather then spending time of his day checking Twitter for possible residents issues, (or the far more likely just wasting time like most Twitter users) he actually does his job, and if someone has a problem they call him like normal people. You can say "it takes 5 seconds

Must be a resistive screen. Oh and the battery is almost dead, may want to charge it before cutting anything.