
honestly, I keep expecting people younger than me to fucking know better than to act like this, and I keep getting disappointed. I’m not even 40 goddamn it.

Peter Tosh was like two Chuck D’s crossed with two Bob Dylan’s back during a time when the Jamaican authorities would crush out any outspoken critics.

Ms. Ashanti Smith don’t play, keeps it real, will throw hands, and has cousins who will do likewise. You know Helena Put-Up-Your-Dukes has never been in a real street fight in her whole life. The shock of the hit must have been the most hilariously humiliating moment of her whole life. She learned that she is not

Great. Now I’m even more terrified of getting old.

Holy freakin cats I want so bad to watch a TRUE EPIC REVENGE DOCUMENTARY about how the FBI dismantled Trump and his whole organization both brutally and systematically.  Hell yes that sounds awesome.

And this is exactly why I’ve always been open about my cannibalism.

Some of my favorite dialogue, ever:

No offense, but your ancestor was guilty AF.

Bingo. I want those fuckers on record. ESPECIALLY the likes of Susan “Very Concerned” Collins. We already know the Seditious Eight (Cruz, Hawley, et al) are A-OK with all of this since they voted to uphold objections to counting states’ certified electoral votes AFTER the insurrection. But now I want every Republican

How long till Trump claims cat mail carriers, trained by radical leftists, threw bags full of Georgia votes for him in a river?

Thing is, he’s waiting in the sky. He’d like to come and meet us, but he knows he’ll blow our minds.

The UTI as the root cause of death makes me wonder how much that was related to medical access during this pandemic as this seems like something that, in normal times, should have been treated early and fairly easily.

not kirk douglas

Eventual headline:

Right wing politics is forever the venue for past their prime, washed up, has been, second and third tier celebrities to retain their notoriety.

One look at that pic of Cameron and one German word comes to mind:

“Crappy Christian cunts completely crushed by COVID” would be even better.

Well, Islam and Judaism always has been a few centuries ahead of Christianity when it comes to medical science and public health....

The Romans did a lot of bad things but I’m thinking maybe they should have thrown a few more Christians to the lions. 

Don’t worry, we’ll pay his bail money and legal fees. Bout time one of these fuckers got theirs, and he did that for all of us!