
I am terrified of a repeat of 1984, when Reagan carried 49 of 50 states vs. Mondale/Ferraro. I was disappointed, but young and still optimistic about the future. Not any more. 

And yet he still doesn’t get it because he’s vetting Amy and he’s damn proud of it.

I get your point. And I get that Trump has to go. My beef with what he said is that I don’t like the idea of him defining my blackness for me, especially when he’s defining it by party lines. He could have said other things. He could have said, “If you if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump,

And this is my dissatisfaction with the Dems right now. I feel like they, and Hillary by extension, just figured 2016 was in the bag. Too much complacency. Since then, it's been a bit of, "Trump will step on his dick soon enough and voters will turn on him," but that hasn't come to fruition. So here we are. Party

Democrats, you’re getting my vote, OK? But do you want it to be for Biden or against Trump?

In 2016, the Democrats made a horrible mistake; they assumed that Trump, left to his own devices, would destroy himself. That obviously didn’t happen.

Yeah, I’m voting for this guy but, Sweet Mother of Fuck, how did this turn out to be the best we can do?

Me to Jeremy Renner: Sir, I served with a cremini mushroom. I knew a cremini mushroom. A cremini mushroom was a friend of mine. Dude, you’re no cremini mushroom.

Amen Jinni.

Oh, you didn’t see the latest headlines this morning? Twitler is calling for both Obama and Biden to serve minimum 50 years because Michael Flynn blah blah blah. But I’m sure he’ll get around to this soon enough!

Like so many stories, this one starts: “And then, the tertiary syphilis kicked in.”

I fucking LOVE my giant cast iron I got from Cravings at Target. Seriously, I use that damned thing every day and I got it on some wild sale (so, under $20!). I’ve had it for months and months and it is still chugging along great, despite me not properly taking care of any cast iron thing any time. It tolerates my

It sure ain’t a ripoff of Jackson’s life.

It Shirley is.

Surely this isn’t just a ripoff of Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

Now playing

I’m sure a lot of us first found out about her here.

Well, well, well. If it isn’t the boy who cried Woolf.

“The middle-aged couple, prone to ruthless barbs and copious afternoon cocktails, begins to toy mercilessly with the naïve young couple at their door,”

Katie Couric? The Katie Couric? The one that defended Matt Lauer to the ends of the earth even after all the shit came out. That Katie Couric? I mean you stood by a man that had a button under his desk to lock the door to his office but Denzel made you “uncomfortable?” I mean forget 2020 being the year of COVid-19 it

Chuck Todd on MSNBC is what happens when ESPN turns you down because you can't shut up.