
We South Dakotans don’t all believe in lizard people and Freemason conspiracies. I, for example, am far more concerned about undercover crab people taking over the Rotary clubs.

That response is dripping with shade. Well done, Kennedy Center. Well done.

Do you think they would be booed or heckled? My money’s on definitely.

Unsolicited advice from someone who survived a very necessary estrangement from her own mother: beware of anyone who attempts to convince you that you should be able to look past this. I wish someone had told me 20 years ago that “blood is not thicker than safety.” Thank you and good luck.

Amazing how the more I learn about Brad Pitt, the more he seems like one more white-guy man-child. The man is richer than Croesus and he can’t afford to pay his interior decorator? Entitled, no?

You reap what you sow. She is neither a child or a victim and I assume at some point in her life someone explained to her how unprotected sex works. I don’t wish ill will on her and don’t think she deserves to be blacklisted for her gross political views but hopefully this makes her rethink the company she keeps, as

I start my morning with Rachel Maddow many deep sighs and THEN move on to Colbert and Oliver.

This quote struck me. I’d like to be a reassuring voice that no, you are. This piece is evidence of it. Masterful, and thank you for writing.

Thank you for writing this, and thank you to your dad for all he has done.

The only upside that I can see - they aren’t wearing hoods, and they are well documented in these photos. I think that a good old-fashioned game of Publicly Name and Shame That Racist is in order. How many companies want to be associated with a racist? How many churches? Or colleges? Or local D&D playing clubs?

“I don’t see how we can ever repair this country.”

The South lost. The Nazis lost. Why is it these losers emulate other... oh I answered my own question.

They’re tired of the bullshit, the political correctness, using our tax dollars to bring in people from Syria and Somalia, all this other stuff with homosexuality.

Inviting Omorosa to a black function such as NABJ is like inviting Rachel Dolezal to #BlackGirlsRock, instant clickbait.

lol Who was she filling in for? Uncle Ruckus?

Why does the phrase “Bitch why you here?” come to mind?

I hope they thought this exact thing would happen and the brought her there with the intention of correcting her and shaming her for her commitment to coonery. She probably thought she’d Spicer it up and the room would be full of his scaredy-cat, pushover types, but this is a room full of Black journalists who are NOT

Stand up and say

Spoken like a true Christian. No, really. Apparently Christians are fucking assholes.

Leah Remini is a goddamn hero and her show was absolutely riveting - far closer to a documentary than anything “reality-ish”.