What the fuck? They’re gonna wrap some thread around that shit and sell it for 4 dollars, and then act like it’s MAGNANIMOUS of them?
What the fuck? They’re gonna wrap some thread around that shit and sell it for 4 dollars, and then act like it’s MAGNANIMOUS of them?
I could not bring myself to watch ANY news yesterday, and I won’t be able to watch that speech for a good, long while, I can tell you that much. I’m not even going to lie, I’m not ready for this.
What do the Indians have to do with this?
So, just so we are clear here is a quick summary of Tammy Duckworth’s life:
Really. I’ve struggled somewhat over my distaste for Melania because I don’t want to be a hypocritical feminist (assuming she married him for the money, that she’s an idiot, a pawn, all the ‘blame her’ when she might be a victim, too, vitriol). However, I’m totally done giving her the benefit of the doubt. She’s…
I voted already by mail but plan to volunteer as a poll worker for this very reason. I live in a majority Republican part of CA and see plenty of Trump signs and want to go report any of those fucks if they start intimidating people.
“We don’t care!” yelled supporters in the crowd
You are a guest on their show. You do not get to call the shots! You don’t want to answer questions....STAY HOME BEN CARSON.
Lawrence O’Donnell is a credit to American journalism. Actually, MSNBC’s entire lineup from 8-11 is perfect. Chris Hayes, Rachel Maddow, and Lawrence O’Donnell are incredibly smart and thoughtful journalists. I watch a whole lot of MSNBC these days because of them.
Dashed in here to make sure to be the first to say ...
If they had edited Billy Bush out, people would have just demanded the unedited version in a call for complete transparency. Conspiracy theorists would go nuts, claiming everything Trump said was taken completely out of context. That Trump was only responding to Bush’s statements that were even worse.
Only two things could be worse, one is if proof came out that he fucked his own daughter when she was underage the other would be if proof came out that proofed he abused the then 13 year old that is trying to get a case against him.
Worse? Don’t fucking tease us like that.
Every single one of these cowards knew EXACTLY what Trump was when they endorsed him.
It’s just a silencing tactic, it’s basically tone trolling. She’s attempting to shut down discussion on the issue and using her kid as a pawn to do it. If she can get any mention of Trump’s latest faux pas to seem too improper to repeat, she can limit the spread, that’s all it is.
But that’s kind of the point. Everyone everywhere already knows it happened, knows the details; knows the whole thing to death. It’s not news, it’s not new, there’s nothing left to be said. AND it’s not Hillary’s fault Bill slept with other women. AND historically it’s never worked out to attack her as if it was. AND…
In the audio of the Bush Trump tape, it seems like Donald mentions someone by their first name. I keep hearing “Nancy” when I replay the audio and I think the person he tried to make a move on is Nancy O’Dell. She got divorced in 2004 and remarried in 2005. She also has a history with Billy Bush - they either worked…
At this point I think the election is less about persauding any actual Trump supporters and more about motivating the apathetic “meh” crowd of people who don’t really like either candidate and would otherwise just stay home. People like that NPR lady are so completely divorced from facts, reality, or anything Trump…