FauxFurPomPom, not to be tribbled with

10 point bump presumes there are bigoted brats out there who aren’t yet sold on Trump, but will be if he behaves even more like a jackass. For better or worse, there is a lot less room between his floor and ceiling than that.

Big League Truth Team is a stupid name. Bigly Truth or bust

Personally, I can’t wait for Kellyanne Conway to jump ship.

She’s very pretty, but that photograph looked nothing like her to me. I really thought it was someone else entirely that she was bragging about hanging out with.

[They] think campaign is hurting business

Katy Tur is awesome.

my bitchy wife/mother? ooookaaay just gonna slowly backout of this one

Exactly. How many times did he get into a little pissing match with Fox News, FOX FUCKING NEWS(!!), over some perceived slight during the primaries? Then, a few days later he would be back with them, continuing the merry circle jerk from hell.

PLEASE let this an omen from the gods presaging the collapse of the Trump Campaign! I will totally stop being an atheist for this!

Aaaargh, why this picture?!

It’s also extremely notable that Ivanka may talk the talk, but doesn’t walk the walk. This has been discussed before, but bears repeating: Check out the ad above, still appearing on Ivanka’s site. Note under Details: “Full-time freelance, in office (Monday - Friday, 9-6) … Contract is month to month.”

Her “you know, I think you’re asking very negative questions” line drove me nuts. Ooohhhhh no, I’m being asked a very valid question that’s tough for me to answer.... I know, I’ll deflect and call the interviewer a big meanie weanie and not actually answer the question!

Is it still called the cavalry if it’s dogs instead of horses?

That is a majestic dog.

Why does she seem smart? Is it just in comparison to her dumb family? Because she seems exceedingly average to me. She was brought up rich with a ton of money, had access to the best education... and just got an MBA from Wharton in an undistinguished way, immediately was gifted with a job from Daddy, decided real

They consider her a visually attractive person . They don’t like to consider attractive people evil, that is only for the ugly ones, so they create a narrative that explains away her bad behaviour and gives her a pass.

Not sure why Ivanka get a break here.

Not to mention someone needs to explain the difference between maternity leave and family leave to the Trumps. One promotes gender bias in hiring and promotions, the other doesn’t.

No. She is the worst. It’s one thing to be a flaming racist narcissist; that’s a condition that requires self-awareness to correct, and if there’s one thing a narcissist doesn’t have, it’s that. So, Donald is evil, but I expect nothing more from him.

Basket of deplorables? You don’t say....