
The only thing that surprised me in this article was Wii's bad game percentage. Only 13%?

@Dakiero: They should go with that, as long as Apple doesn't give them hell.

@Mega-Driven: Screw Samsung, I like the BlackJack idea.

@Mega-Driven: I just recently got to watch an old print of 2001 at a local theater and it was amazing. As a film buff, that is definitely a highlight since not many from my generation have gotten to see it how it should be seen.

@topekaguy1988: Actually, playing super-soldier-Mao and single-handedly taking on the Japanese sounds pretty sweet.

@Vecha: One more Month: I always found it funny that Fred Flintstone could smoke a Winston cigarette but he couldn't sleep in the same bed as his wife. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

@PhatsMahoney: You may want to try watching the videos. In the first one, there are several examples of the PC fighting other Big Daddies.

@Chewbenator: It was never cool to listen to Pearl Jam. If people said otherwise, they were the wrong people to be asking.

I'm excited about this game, but balls-out physics stunts aren't unprecedented. I remember my jaw dropping while playing Prototype after I successfully bailed out of a chopper, caught up with it and got back in, then got the blades warmed up just before it hit the ground.

@Platypus Man: No one is complaining about Rooster Teeth not being on topic. Can we just get CAD taken off because it's the double-whammy of not funny at all and not about games anymore?

This makes me wish that Valve weren't dicks to people with Macs.

Damn. I must say, I'm impressed.

If everyone shut their mouths about the issue, it wouldn't get addressed. Even if it is really just one guy blocking the change, then moves to increase awareness about the need for a change in the system still wouldn't hurt.

@dibbitydan: Yeah, it made me smirk in Old School, it made me cringe in Watchmen. Although, most creative choices (and all of the music choices) in that movie made me cringe.

@ShaggyB: If Paul Simon was dead, he'd be rolling in his grave.

@CRP901: It was annoying to me if you bought the game to, you know, play it, not hide in a room off to the side. Or, and I can't believe I forgot this one, people moving generators and obstacles in front of the elevator or manhole and just slooooooowly chipping away at the survivors' health.

Did Microsoft ban anyone for breaking into the glitch-room in L4D's first campaign? Or jumping up on the rock during the boat finale?