
@icepick314: They said since before Gay Tony came out (no pun intended) that it was the last DLC they'd support IV with.

Now playing

No Nintendo Kid reference will ever be as great as this video.

@Kitradu: I'm glad you, in all sincerity, tried to cite the Lucky Charms' Leprechaun in trying to make a point. Bravo.

Samurai Mario is obviously fighting WITH the dinosaur, Yoshi, against Bowser.

@rich8606: I'm gonna have to check that out now, thanks.

@rich8606: How on earth are they going to remove the incest angle from Oldboy? They do realize that will just make it Count of Monte Cristo, right?

@rich8606: I hope to god you aren't telling me they are screwing up Oldboy

That was a surprisingly heartfelt story. I liked it.

@CynicalNinja: Ooo, a french press! I'd pick Aperture Science Coffee over Black Mesa anyday.

@enlargedhousecats: Hey look over there, it's the joke! *points over your head*

@Gravidos: I don't hate it because it's a comic with a story, I just hate it for the story's horrible writing.

@D-K: They had to fight to get the changes green-lit though

@D-K: They had to fight to get the changes green-lit though

"We like to see good spelling and grammar, because we're nerdy like that."

I don't play (anymore) because the game is boring. Vanilla WoW was fun when I was first in college, playing with friends in the back of chem lecture.

@kenjara: "free content is welcome but it shouldn't be expected"

@kenjara: We weren't worried about getting a half-assed sequel, we were promised extensive, prolonged support for the original game and got shafted.

@Vecha: One more Month: I'm regularly up at all hours of the day for class/work. I had a 5am - 1pm lab/lecture schedule for half a month. It's just a matter of adjusting to the change.

@spannu: Still, I agree with @Bo_Diddly. If you are going for an excerpt, use a manageable size to quote. You may as well repost the article if it's going to dwarf your post about it anyway.

I'm trying to remain cautious in my optimism for this game, in case it doesn't live up to the first, but this cover does have me gushing a little bit. #bioshock2