
I wonder how often this happens and you don't hear about it, for obvious reasons.

@Psudonym: Battles is now one of my favorite bands because of LBP

@PunkyChipsAhoy: I'm so sick of that damn song in every trailer since 28 Days Later.

I whole-heartedly expected Sun Kil Moon to be replaced by Linkin Park.

Ooh, I forgot about Sun Kil Moon. Good call, Gears.

Can they work on getting believable male characters before they venture into territory they know even less about?

@wezelboy: Put in Heavy Rain, but don't touch the controller.

@milo128: Well, more than that.

Games should follow the App Store model of ads: Is it free? Fair for in-game advertisement. Did I shell out money for it? Then leave me alone.

I'd prefer some DLC for my personal GOTY: Arkham Asylum.

I agree on all three points. I have no doubt that if I was practicing guitar instead of playing Guitar Hero for however many hours I've totaled up since the first, I'd be a better guitar player than I am now. I'd be surprised if any musicians out there can honestly say any different.

I love that immediately after saying "the world's most advanced 3D technology" (0:57), the next shot is a Lost-quality CGI plane.

@buddhatooda: They give you 50 cents to drink their equally mediocre coffee?

@excaliburps: People enjoy the outdoors without a cigarette? The shock & horror!

I bought my last pack of cigarettes on my 21st birthday last February. I don't think I even finished the pack. That winter was colder than I was used to and I just went outside to smoke less and less until I lost the desire to smoke at all.

@Kobun: The stunt jump button pretty much automatically lands you on the back as long as you are close. It looked fluid, so I'll still give 3 credit, but it helps you float to the right spot so it didn't take a huge amount of skill. Hitting one of those tanks in flight is a bit harder.

"Is that... is he wearing a denim leisure suit?"

@Go Vols!: Your post seems schizophrenic, perhaps due to an edit. Are the pictures "nothing more than photos taken with a camera phone" or is the "choice of equipment... irrelevant to the results"?

@coldfuzion: Because no one would run an article titled "AP Photographer uses Point & Shoot He Bought from Best Buy"