
There is also the fact that when questioned about his plans for change he doesn’t really seem to have any, he is an NRA shill, blamed his wife (and we know that man has a tax accountant) for not showing his Taxes because it ruined his “common man” bullcrap, and his interaction with women mirrors many of his followers

I’ll never cease to be amazed by how quickly people forget that superdelegates jumped ship from Clinton to Obama in 2008 once it became clear that he was winning.

There’s no conspiracy. If Bernie were actually winning (or if he manages some major upsets in the next few big primaries) more superdelegates would join his

If Bernie calling Hillary “unqualified” isn’t a blatant case of pot > kettle > black, I don’t know what is.

Actually I very much welcome conversation and critical thinking. Unfortunately the Bernie Bros are usually too drunk to engage in such civilities.

I do love a millennial who thinks 40 years olds are so old we don’t know what the internet is or how to use it. (do they not teach the history of the technology in school?)

The more clear it is that Sanders is not going to be the nominee the more immature and rude a certain subsection of his supporters are getting. It’s vicious. At the same time Sanders is refusing to release tax returns and doesn’t have actual plans for his main campaign promises. Radio silence.

Bernie Cons: