SNW is doing an upcoming crossover episode with lower decks, where lower deck characters “hilariously” appear in SNW as real people
SNW is doing an upcoming crossover episode with lower decks, where lower deck characters “hilariously” appear in SNW as real people
Gotta say i clicked the trailer prepared to hate it as another remake/prequel but... yap shit it actually looked good and fun
Writing and writing profitably are two very, very different things and it’s a vicious lesson to learn. It’s much all the harder that to learn the marketing skills necessary to be profitable as an indie author, you need to research a ton, read a ton of what you’re writing and—hardest of all IMO—release a lot of work so…
That’s fascinating. I thought S1 didn’t deserve a S2 due to how bad it was. You could remove more than half the epidsodes, stick with the first and the final two, and you’d have had a kick-ass mini series.
Everything inbetween, was really meandering bad stuff... :(
The best potential story arc would be the tension of Negan ending up as a father figure to her son. Maggie would be torn between the urge to keep him away vs recognizing he’s a good influence on her son. There’d be the ever-present concern as he grew up how she would properly honor the memory of Glenn and teach him…
Tv guide? Reader’s Digest?
Nah fuck that noise blame Gawker. I won’t defend what he said but releasing shit that’s supposed to be private total scumfuck move Gawker deserved to die before that too
We took our Game Boy with us.
No blame the idiots at Gawker that kept Hulk Hogans sex tape up even after they were ordered by a court to take it down like it was some philosophical battle.
Sorry you are being the dick here. He was merely saying that the loss of older content didn’t impact him much if at all. I imagine many (myself included) are in the same boat. You are the one trying to get him to admit that he’s lying(?) and I guess actually cares deeply and is just here to make shit up? Like your…
Hey, Alliterator? As someone who’s long appreciated your presence on this site, truly holds you in high esteem, and also thinks it’s a pretty weird to exclusively only watch things that have been released within the last twelve months, your comments still feel... a little unnecessarily harsh?
I try to mainly watch things I haven’t seen before, but with the amount of content that is released every year it is impossible to watch everything I am interested in. There are plenty of things older than 20 years that I haven’t had time to watch yet, let alone within the last year.
We did it by making him a ridiculous figure of fun though lol didn’t we?
I wish I had! I got over a dozen notifications of people explaining it to me over and over. Lesson learned, never ask a question on the internet.
I’m not even a huge fan of tactical games, but I’d be tempted just for the painting alone. I used to love painting D&D miniatures when I was younger, but a combination of worsening eyesight and less steady hands make the results less than appealing these days. Just being able to zoom in and undo would help immensely.
It’s broken down in to chapters. So you can go through it as you have time.
It’s really worth it. That is the longest YT vid I have ever completed, and it was worth every minute.
Diablo 4?
I cannot imagine the Action RPG genre can do much better than PoE or D3. Maybe there is room for some combination of the two. Wish them luck on the impossible.
Holy fuck.
Man that's rough. Closest I have was my mother dying in front of me but it was cancer. In some respects a quick death is more painful. No time to say goodbye. Glad your okay now. The Pixar movie that came out for me the year of her death was Coco. Also not a fun watch in those circumstances.