
You go to your room and think about what you just said.

That is because that movie was NEVER MADE.

Huh?   Upset because you can play an old character out of the vast multitudes of character options and paths open to you?

I have made some spectacularly bad decision in game that have not turned out like I wanted and have resisted the urge to roll back to an old save. Living with the choices and consequences in this game is exciting.

The reviewer who mentioned thinking about other choices for next playthrough is spot on. Doing the same because I want to see how it affects things.

I would have a lifetime of respect for him if he booked travel to an active volcano and dropped the card in.

Very well spoken.

That is a fair argument but I think it is a bit apples and oranges. Note that I did have a reply elsewhere here that artists absolutely should have a say in whether their art can be used in the training of AI.

Far be it from me to not give someone an opportunity to show everyone what an ass they are. Please, continue. Regale us with your witty insulting prowess.

You know what?

You are carrying a lot of emotional baggage you seem to be wanting to pawn off on someone.

I’m all in.

They said no one would see an Avatar sequel because it was not relevant anymore.

I know it is hard to deal with politely worded observations you don’t like. Someday you will mature enough to handle it.

Even an Indiana Jones movie had lackluster performance.  Bar is high for attendance.   

Let’s check back in ten years and see how it ages.

I have rarely seen so much effort put into a comparison that almost NO consumers would ever need.

And I say this with all of the respect you deserve (that is to say, very little).

I think it is fair to limit access to training data used by AI.  

Theaters are in death throes. It will become increasingly harder to get people into seats. More and more it will take a real event.