Blizzard: “Here is a game and you can play some of it for free.”
Blizzard: “Here is a game and you can play some of it for free.”
Naked still hides the anal beads. Outstanding move.
Anything that even has a whiff of “this might become popular” attracts naysayers by the droves.
I feel like this looks like a well-made show and so I will start to watch it and pass judgement later.
I think if they make a solid enough game that there will be draw to this even for those who do not use the paint function. Like MMORPGs where some people are into cosmetics and others do not care at all.
Gotta just roll with it. It happens to nearly everyone.
I’ve been painting recently and even with a healthy dose of squinting I just cannot come close to the quality I used to be able to paint. It’s laughable the difference...
I don’t paint them anymore because at age 56 I can’t paint them like I used to be able to with the eyes and hands I had at age 20...
Nope, not concerned at all.
Oh God... this game pushes “buy me” buttons I didn’t even know I had.
Boo hoo.
The country has always had these people. They are just brave enough now to speak the hate in their hearts because they have been getting away with it recently.
America’s bigot population was hugely emboldened by the election of Donald Trump (a folk hero to them when he was openly racist while running for President). They saw his election as a vindication of how they were “right” in their bigoted and hateful beliefs.
I am sure some die-hard Halo fans hate this show because nothing would ever make them happy. Fans are NEVER happy with adaptations because nothing is ever as good as imagination.
People love to find something to be outraged about.
If they want to continue to be so stubbornly racist (er, I mean “nationalistic”) then they will miss out on the absolute gaming joy that is Game Pass.
Check out the game “Control” which was highly, highly inspired by SCP.
I feel that this is an underappreciated comment.
I think there are likely cultural differences at play here. This is a Korean MMO, really. Just more or less localized for the US.
Her take was accurate.