This site, and the related sites in the post-Gawker network, are all dying.
This site, and the related sites in the post-Gawker network, are all dying.
I am not sure what you were expecting.
From the lyrics to Devo’s “Freedom of Choice”:
If your job cannot be described in front of your children then you should not be doing that job.
That’s funny, all I found was a snarky asshole...
Ender’s Game was a really solid book followed by a lot of lackluster follow on novels —indeed, written by a shitty human being.
I’m white and even I am starting to fucking hate white people.
Try Chik-Fil-A nuggests.
They didn’t reinvent the chicken sandwich. They just introduced one almost identical to what KFC already had but got the right press at the right time.
Arby’s needed some fries, but given the “We have the meats” tagline I don’t see how they didn’t introduce steak fries.
What I want is for KFC to have original recipe nuggets.
God DAMN, Kotaku readers suck.
I never finished The Witcher.
It’s not just a function of age. It’s age and your particular desires and situation.
Exactly. Replaying content is not fun at all for me. That’s why I don’t grind in WOW for instance.
I dunno. Kinda seems like you may be the sort of asshole that the author is writing about and are struggling not to take it personally with your passive aggressive response to it.
If you are a person who looks down on others that play a game their way without affecting you personally then you really have some maturing to do.
Used to watch her but she is trainwrecking.
At what point do you have (sire) so many children in so many different households that you are no longer really able to be a good father to them despite best intentions?