
Fun fact: Well known that women react in exactly this way and less than scrupulous men take advantage of knowing this.  They write books about it... 

I live here and I can’t argue with the logic of that GIF. 

It doesn’t matter if it is true.

He seems like a weirdo, but...

*Faux bro fist bump*

Hard to make a giant statue of a micropenis but hey, might be worth it.  

The “blacks” are doing this and so “the people” have to do something to.

He knows who elected him.

Now playing

Then how about this funny and awkward dance video?

Fair enough. For entertainment might I offer this selection of goofy text faces?

South Park nailed it:

I will personally give a no sexual assault guarantee.

Usually, but not always, it is a pre-qualification for being able to be an expert.

I am moved by you having Faux in your name. 

“You are paying too much for worms.  Whose your worm guy?”

And that man should not be the greater of evils; Trump.

Either way we would see a nude first lady.

In related news, I would like to announce here that I —Fauxcused —am running for President. Like Kanye I do not have a campaign or ballot access but I can announce things, too.

Look at Trump and look at Biden.

That could be his campaign motto: “Kanye 2020: Molested Far Fewer People