I usually reserve Dismiss for people who are over the top offensive. If I merely disagree with them I argue back or ignore them.
I usually reserve Dismiss for people who are over the top offensive. If I merely disagree with them I argue back or ignore them.
I am a lifelong atheist but if we had a blessing that strong I might have to reconsider my belief system.
I would not push him down a flight of stairs.
Well, that is a mic drop quote.
Enjoy your four more years of the worst President of modern times, then. Bookmark this and we can compare notes November 2020.
They were destroyed by a thin skinned asshole with a lot of money. That is who they were destroyed by.
I have had both. They are very similar. The Popeye’s one had a slightly thicker piece of chicken. Also, there is the spicy mayo that Popeye’s has; not sure if KFC has something similar.
You missed the Kale Wars of 2017. The roads ran green with leaf.
I will give Chik-Fil-A one thing though....
Well, Popeye’s is not seasoned well, so it stands to reason.
Indeed. Being a cop is one of the few profession where, if you fuck up, everyone around you has an instinct to protect you from consequence.
Police departments have a cultural problem with an “Us vs. them” sort of mentality that states that they have to have each others backs because the profession is dangerous and non-officers don’t “get it”.
KFC sells a nearly identical sandwich to the one people are losing their shit over....
They could if they set the episode before his death. Casting him would go a long way towards making this work....
Do you want four more years of Trump?
KFC sells more or less the exact same sandwich and, at least at my nearby store, there is no line.
I am perfectly content to have us both walk away from this conversation and have everyone reading decide which of us is reasonable and which of us is an asshole. Perfectly. Content.
The bigots are out in force being bigoted and life should be good under their bigot President. But everyone is still giving them crap about being bigoted and so they are more pissed than ever right now.