I had a few overseas flights last year and catching up on movies I was interested in vaguely but didn’t want to take the time to go see was the only thing that kept me sane. I can’t sleep on a plane....
I had a few overseas flights last year and catching up on movies I was interested in vaguely but didn’t want to take the time to go see was the only thing that kept me sane. I can’t sleep on a plane....
“And now, airlines will get to charge $30 for their shitty wifi so you can watch a movie you wouldn’t have paid $15 to see when it was in theaters.”
I grew up in Madison Heights, MI. We had small homes, unfashionable clothing but at least some furniture.
That kind of motherly advice is right up there with “Remember, your mouth can’t get pregnant...”
A hoagie or sub is not a sandwich. It’s a hoagie or sub.
Hopefully using their technological know-how to keep us safe.
George W. Bush sneaks candies to Michelle Obama.
Headline: There Is No Such Thing As A Good Man
Good. Teacher was being an asshole. I don’t want assholes teaching our kids.
And with a little more R&B influence they could be Tangerine Soul.
A continuation of the first Civil War because the south never really accepted the fact that they were (are) on the wrong side of history and LOST.
Guilty people always project their misdeeds on others.
Exactly. The South, collectively, are the world champions at being sore losers.
On a side note “Tangerine Soul” seems like a good band name...
We are already in a civil war in this country.
I do not think anyone should be forced to have to look at that face without the ability to smack it.
If you have a car with smart summon and you instruct the car to come to you then you are, in effect, operating that car. By invoking that function.