

We all know he was full of shit. We all know he doubled down on his full of shitness.

Virtually every President in modern times, regardless of party, have been Presidential with the possible exception of Richard Nixon (who walked a close line).

I’m 53.

That is an absolutely unsupportable claim.  You may not like his politics; I didn’t.  But he did step up to the plate and try his best to lead in a somber and calm way. 

I’d probably order the Impossible Whopper over the Whopper if it was the same price. The taste is close enough.


I think you misspelled “inhibited” as “advanced”.

This is a completely invalid article.

Here is the thing.

One of the things I enjoyed about the Gotham TV show was that the really interesting characters were the bad guys. Their Riddler was a slow-burn rise of a psychopath. And their Penquin stole the show every moment he was on screen.

Add to the increasingly long list of Imaginary Black Crimes:

My bad.  Every REASONABLE person. 

See everyone? He reacted exactly as I predicted.

You can cherry pick news stories to “prove” any point you wish.

I get the opposite. Since my wife is black (and I am white) people here in Florida sometimes cannot wrap their minds around that we are married.

Yeah, we do.  Sigh... 

1. I am not The Root. I am a commenter on The Root. Also, not that it should matter, I’m a white male. That’s me in the icon to the upper left.

“Siri, what is the weather today.”

Hope you can’t wait to complain about how Trump got re-elected then. Because if we put a progressive against him we will not be able to get on-the-fence voters who would choose a moderate Democrat over a Republican. And we need that fraction of the vote.