I think Hal Rounds was confusing the memory of his last bowel movement with the sensation of being birthed.
I think Hal Rounds was confusing the memory of his last bowel movement with the sensation of being birthed.
Two days, two Popeye’s Chicken Sandwich stories.
You don’t have kids, do you?
The game is the game. Play the game. Don’t alter the game because you want to do risk management for future games.
This is Jezebel. The most hostile site on the Internet...if you don’t agree with their party line.
And there is no chance here that she might be full of it?
I can’t imagine it between me and my wife. I’d not go along with it even if she suggested. I think there has to be some level of fun in anything sexual and that just crosses the line for me.
I’ve said even before he was elected that he could kick a puppy in the teeth on live TV and so long as he is hassling brown people they would still vote for him.
He is so easy to bait. It should be childsplay to get him to screw up.
There seems to be great crowdfunding potential here.
OK, out of respect for many fine articles you have written I’ll give it a try.
It is not voter suppresion so much as it is creating fear in potential immigrants because that makes his existing core base of supporters happy to vote for him again.
What do you call a group whose actions intentionally cause fear in any sort of religious, ethnic or racial group?
I’m not even a football fan. I’ve never watched a full game in my life.
Well, I would vote Harris if food choice was the only consideration.
Here is my take.
I think this is unfair. The competition should be limited to human beings and entities that are clearly supernatural dieties should not be allowed to participate.
To echo someone elses take:
You cannot stop it.