White people: “Make America Great Again”
White people: “Make America Great Again”
And that is why the GOP spends so much effort stirring up fear, uncertainty, racism, homophobia and other bigotry. Because there are not enough rich people to vote for low taxes on the rich so they manipulate the easy-to-manipulate by pandering to their issues. So now it is build a wall (and lower rich person…
You know how HARD it is to sit there with an excited young cub scout trying to sell this overpriced stuff??!?!
I have mixed feelings about this.
Part of me would love to be able to meet Donald Trump in person.
I would absolutely watch a show called “Let’s See Who Terry Crews Slaps The Shit Out Of This Week”.
Was there ever any doubt?
I dunno.
C’mon now.
If you are going to be sarcastic then at least have a valid point.
Even with all of the extra context, which does muddy things, at the end of the day this white dipshit was sitting there with a shit-eating grin staring down a minority person with a look that 100% said: “I am the white guy here and you and I both know that I’m gonna come out clean in this confrontation.”
The rest of the context does not matter.
I get that there were more to the story than the original narrative. But what I see is a smug little shit.
My wife gave me a blowjob when I was sick with the flu. The next day she had the flu. She’s convinced to this day that it was semen-transmitted.
Ate part of a rotten sub once not knowing it was rotten because I had a cold...
Chugged a few gulps of orange juice right from the container one day before realizing that it had gone bad.
You only need one coffee species to produce coffee.
The bigots are the disease. Trump is the symptom.
But he would be predictable. You can plan a defense against predictable. You can’t plan a defense against chaos.