When all you have is a hammer...
When all you have is a hammer...
Just pass a bill with “5 bullion” in the words. Presilliterate will never know the difference.
I have never heard of this, ever.
There is nothing wrong with that Mac and Cheese; it looks normal
That is how bigotry flourishes. White people stand there, knowing it is wrong, and not doing a damned thing to stop it. That is how bigotry exists from the micro to macro scale.
I am an athiest and every meal with my family I hold hands as my wife says grace. I do not believe as she does. But I respect her belief, want her to be happy, and it does not kill me to hold hands with her and my son and be quiet for a moment. So I do, because I love her.
I’m an athiest but not one of the ones who are assholes about it. I do not believe but I have and show respect for those who do.
He believes that those who believe in him believe in those things.
I think the idea of assuming two day shipping will be intact in and around the spike of actvity around the Christmas holiday is ridiculously overoptimistic.
So you are PROUD that a bit of quasi-journalism that rips on a prototype that is being used in a wildly different way than the eventual system is somehow not entertaining enough for you has made it to a wider distribution than originally intended?
I am sure you are; that is the way of the troll.
“ “
Nope. I keep it next to my ice cold brandy.
President Trump is the shittiest President that we have had in modern times. He will go down in history as the go-to example of what a bad President is. His name will become a synonym for doing a bad job; future candidates will be spoken of as “another Trump” in warning.
The proper question is “Aside from Chess what game is best? No, not Go either. Modern games.”
The proper question is “Aside from Chess what game is best? No, not Go either. Modern games.”
That is part of the problem with my game group. The first time we played it the game broke spectacularly and that left a bad impression.
That is part of the problem with my game group. The first time we played it the game broke spectacularly and that…
Trump 2016: Mexico will pay for the wall.
Ever since Richard Pryor was on there has been a delay on SNL.
My ex wife had BPD. It can consume a person and the irrationality of it can make getting help difficult.