Let’s just say that you don’t want her to punch him in the face but that he definately deserves to be punched in the face.
Let’s just say that you don’t want her to punch him in the face but that he definately deserves to be punched in the face.
Sorry you got shit.
This is a microcosm of why the Democratic Party, despite widespread support and despite being correct on most issues, loses time after time.
Conservative readers will disagee but I really do think that the divisions in this country all boil down to one difference:
My understanding is that a moderate Republican, by 2018 standards, is someone who kind of complains a little bit but ultimately (when push comes to shove) does whatever the fuck hardline Republicans want.
Other dippables:
You just back away from the cookies and milk, Satan.
“White celebrity does the right thing but is kinda late about it so we are gonna bitch about that fact.”
I have to say that as an avid board game player Carcassonne is one of my go-to games to get new people into the hobby. It is very, very easy to learn and to teach others. But it still have good strategic depth. One of the best examples of “easy to learn, difficult to master” out there.
I have to say that as an avid board game player Carcassonne is one of my go-to games to get new people into the…
Respect for others is not overrated.
You are getting some shit for posting this but you should know that you are absolutely correct in your assessment.
He is also 100% correct. You may not like what he says but he is perfectly rational and correct about what he is saying.
The Democrats failed us by running someone as uncharismatic as Hillary Clinton. The Democrats failed us by losing control of Congress --which allowed blockage of justices in the last administration and allows control over appointment under this one.
Because there is no permission. It does not respect the personal boundry of property.
That is exactly it. Trump very much IS the party now. No him personally but the attitude represented by him is the attitude of the GOP voting population.
He is clearly an asshole. So if I had to bet he is racist but would never admit it....
I think Banksy is a dick. An admittedly talented one but a dick nonetheless. I am never going to have respect for someone who makes a living by disrespecting the private property of others.
LxCroix tastes like the ghost of a flavor flew somewhere near the water.
“You hear that honey?!!? We have a subscriber now!!!”