
Damn you....

I’ve default-skeptical about this sudden “someone uses OK like people have done for hundreds of years and suddenly it is a white power sign” trend...

The headline is absolutely true.

It appears to be the attitude taken towards him from what I am reading on these forums. And Chris Hardwick before him.

Perhaps you should actually read what I wrote.

You know what the worst part is?

I saw something online today that perfectly sums it up:

Donald Trump’s America

No need to come at you. Eating that would be self-inflicted punishment.

Some of what he said was perfectly defensible. We have swung the pendulum too far to from a reasonable middle. Yes, these abusive assholes need to be called out. No, there is not a 100% accusation-to-guilt correlation. But that is where we are now. Presumed guilt.

Right. Because that is a MEASURED response.


Looks like I hit a nerve.

Fine. But understand that your frustration has led you to an unreasonable emotional reaction here.

He literally admit he was wrong.

“To that point, he says he’s “happy the #MeToo movement has slowed down a little bit,” because he doesn’t like the way it has progressed to automatically trusting everything that women say.”


Well, once Missouri gets rid of that last remaining abortion clinic I am sure that all of the teenagers there will stop having unprotected sex (or sex at all) since in the conservative nutball mind that is how the world works.

Exactly.  Whatever lie comforts them.