
Check your mail.

Remember when AV Club switched to the absolutely horrible fly-out comment section that everyone REALLY hated? Let’s go back to that. It was better.

Doofus Rickdoesn’t have a Morty because he never got married and so never had Beth.

This guy gets it^

“This seems like a good time for a drink, and a cold, calculated speech with sinister overtones.”

Call me Noob Noob, because this episode had me like, “God... DAMN!!!’

My hat is off to the amazing job the marketing team have done on this movie. I can’t think of any Stephen King adaptation so hotly anticipated by people who’ve never heard of King.

I think I’ll eventually come up with an interprtation of the ending that gives me some degree of emotional closure. Meanwhile, I have a series of separate doubts for which I see no chance of such closure:

....I mean, didn’t we? They’re engaged. What more do you need?

No, I think Cooper tried to save Laura, but ultimately failed. All he did was create an alternate dimension where Laura lived, but that dimension was extinguished in the final moment of the episode once Laura realized who she really was.

One theory with Sarah Palmer is that “Judy” is inhabiting her body, hence the weirdness and the biting of the throats and such. When Phillip Jefferies meets Evil Coop and EC keeps asking him “Who’s Judy?” Jefferies replies “You’ve already met her”, which Cooper would have back when he was originally in Twin Peaks

It’ll take me awhile to properly formulate an opinion on The Return, but at this point I am dissapointed in how Audrey was used in this series.

Thanks for the out on that. Sorry but I have to go feed my pet cobra Ramses now.

Wow, that is quite a conundrum. AD is better than Office or Parks by far but my love for 30 Rock is strong. AD’s cast is so strong too, every character had a good bit.

I agree with you, but it’s not an unimpeachable opinion. Parks was at it’s worst in seasons 1 and 2, not to mention it completely ripped off the faux documentary style from The Office. I think 30 Rock is the true underrated show of that era.

Parks and Rec is the superior show.

What if the fadeout *is* the ending? It symbolizes that the song, and the emotions expressed therein — something along the lines of “baby baby baby be my baby baby, yo” — will continue to persist into the future, even though the song itself is at an end. Otherwise, you’re in a situation where you are pledging

I think the biggest problem is that most of those failed franchise films sucked. The movies people liked did well, there just weren’t any after July.

When Audrey walked into the Roadhouse, I yelled at my TV “Eat that, Internet! It’s not a coma!”

Them Crooked Poopies.