Faux Bravo

Sure they are. They aren’t actually a totally closed community like folks think; they interact with the outside world. They mostly just dress differently and don’t generally use electricity or gas engines (although they may be allowed to hire others to use them for them, like buying bus tickets). A lot of things you

I’m fantastically late on this reply coming from another AV Club thread, but yes, she is a core member of the show and is quite wonderful. There’s a very sweet and heartbreaking romance angle with her and Wallace Shawn across the first couple of seasons that kept stealing the show.

I would be interested in seeing the numbers for this but filtered by for who pays for the consoles’ online services and who doesn’t. If I remember correctly, Fortnite/Rocket League/ etc doesn’t require an online subscription to play. Further more, I’d be interested if there’s a correlation between those who don’t have

Then you’ll be the coolest car out there.

No, Unity has been making losses for nearly the entirety of its existance - this was the majority reason for changing its pricing model in the first place

I actually think that was part of the problem. I’m not sure they had been turning profits. They were doing the whole Silicon Valley strategy of growth, growth, growth.

I have ideas... in Minecraft.

long-term success and profitability”

They’re really working hard to build back the goodwill they destroyed a few months back, huh?

I would say someone like your dad was a rarity (and very cool), but they should be dubbed Gen-X games, because they were created by Gen-X (John Carmack anyone?) and most popular for that generation.

Excellent list, great to see this genre springing up again.

Chalk it up to general nerd lingo I suppose. FPS games were called “Doom Clones” for much of the 90s until about when Quake and HALO made their mark.

Unreasonable pedantism after unreasonable anger at a completely harmless term. Shocking!

So do the 8,000 people who backed a Kickstarter for one in 2016 : (

I recently read this really cool article that explained how they got the name.

I came as a young Gen-Xer/old Gen Yer to complain that these were the games I played as a kid but then I remembered it was my dad, the true definition of a baby boomer (born in 1946, almost exactly 9 months after his father returned from Europe), who introduced me to games like Wolfenstein and Doom.  He tapped out of

Ironically, piracy has done more for media preservation than anything else. 

Oh boy, can’t wait for my local Best Buy to remove their single shelves of DVDs and CDs so that they can cram in more electronic merchandise that consumers are clamoring to buy, like toys and Arcade1Up machines. /s

Shut the fuck up snowflake