
He beat terminal cancer thad spread to his brain, cheating (well, almost, or at least to the extent that he's not going to jail for it), his remaining chemo-poisoned ball miraculously regained the ability to inseminate women again, and he's from Texas. Lance Armstrong is the poster boy for god complexes. He doesn't

That offends me. Not as a Jew, but as a comedian. She clearly just converted for the jokes.

Idiots. Idiots do that.

I'm still dealing with my complete shock that Lance Armstrong has a girlfriend. What self-respecting woman in her right mind would date him?


Didn't he break up with Sheryl Crow when she got breast cancer? After she stayed with him through his ball cancer? I thought everyone already knew he was the shittiest boyfriend.


Who is still inviting Lance Armstrong to parties?

Chris Brown is saying Lance Armstrong doesn't have a chance. Meanwhile, Charlie Sheen is calling them both newbies.

He really should've sacced up.

"Lance Armstrong, generally known for being an upstanding and honest individual in all areas of his life, committed a hit and run in December and let his girlfriend take the blame."

(because I love this gif SO much)

Yes, let's get rid of all government regulation! Free the people! We don't need building codes or speed limits or the FDA or courts or rules about preventing disease! If your house catches on fire, pay the firefighters to come put it out! If you need to drive somewhere, you should be able to do it in a car that emits

I did a Roman Holiday/Star Wars mash up wedding so to go with my cream/ivory lace 50s inspired dress I wore these jelly heels by Melissa and Vivianne Westwood. Now, let me tell you, waaaaaay comfortable for a high heel. Also they looked more sparkly than this marketing photo lets on. The best part though? They infused

For my wedding (THIS WEEKEND YOU GUYS!!!!) I'll be wearing these lovelies from Kate Spade:

Every time he speaks:

I actually agree with her statement that people get themselves drunk, BUT I think about it more in the context of men who "get drunk and beat their wives" when really I think they get drunk SO THAT THEY CAN beat their wives. People often drink to excuse their behavior. I have a "friend" who gets drunk and then spews

Stacey Dash: