Jesus, I get why Jason might be so butt hurt over the entire iPhone 4/police raid affair, but seriously, you're posting an awful lot of anti-Apple articles. It's starting to look petulant.
Jesus, I get why Jason might be so butt hurt over the entire iPhone 4/police raid affair, but seriously, you're posting an awful lot of anti-Apple articles. It's starting to look petulant.
At home, I used the Webmail Notifier plug-in in Firefox. It let me switch Gmail account on the fly, making most Google sites a two-click process.
@golferal: How did this contribute?
@MikeSWelch: It's more about using a hip, all-inclusive term that doesn't alienate people who left their parents' basement years ago.
@FriedPeeps: Both have appeared in movies with Michael Cera. Um, I got nothin'.
@Saboth: I don't know which Apple fan boys you're quoting, but surely one post a day (or week) is enough whether it's praise or criticism?
@Sir (Starman), Leader of the Pineapple Platoon (and I don't even like pineapples): In case the opacity of the glass was causing the issues with the proximity sensor? I dunno.
@Interstella5555: Or drunken/sober Rock Band.
This might by why Apple hired Graeme Devine, among other people, who clearly *do* get game development.
@lolbrbnvm: Going by Amazon prices, to get the current Wii bundle with a single Wiimote/Motion Plus/nunchuck, then three additional sets of those controllers is ~$400.
@boyracer: The box I have is guaranteed to withstand heat up to 1,550 degrees fahrenheit for thirty minutes. It's stowed away in a place where I would hope it would take a while for the fire to get to it. Hopefully it'll be enough till the fire crews got to my place!
My dad will only buy expensive separates designed by people in Cambridge, England. I never really understood the fascination with the technology when his listening habits were so limited. It seemed to be a lot of money for naught.
@franco1975 [Troll ]: Seriously, I would have to buy two just so I could keep periodic back-ups of one of them.
@Robotronic: Like the sensationalist blog articles, he clearly didn't read their full review. I'm assuming if he saw the otherwise glowing praise, he would change his tune.
iPhone: Facebook, Twitter, iPod, Shazam, Camera, Plants Vs Zombies, Wikipanion. I use others but none more than these.
@cec: Not at all! For people who have the issue, I think Apple should cough up... and far more than the $30 bumper some people are suggesting.
@cec: As someone who is unaffected, I don't pipe up to appear smug or to deny that the issues are there. Far from it.
@Piledriver: Got to agree. Criticism in itself is a-OK. It's when it becomes constant fan baiting in an attempt to keep page views high that it warrants complaint.
@ara: Mine is kept on top of my desk in the shade... not on purpose, mind you, but it sounds like that was a wise choice.