Jeff Duncan

1. The public was not allowed a vote on the stadium deal because the mayors office knew that there was major opposition to the deal. 2. Yes, stadium deals have a negative effect on a city’s economy. Money is spent subsidizing the bottom lines millionaires and billionaires that would be better spent on projects that

Wow, you really are a clueless parrot when it comes to the arena deal. Polly want a cracker?

We welcome the arena refuges here in East Sac with open arms.

You're not fooling anyone Kevin.

The bigger problem is that the controls are shit. Real shit. Their shittiness cannot be overstated.

Haven’t watched one of these in a while...the other dude lost a lot of weight!

Or here for $12.75.


The Christian god is an absolute price, either way.

This is dumb. That is all.

Its crazy that more people don’t change their own oil, brakes, etc. Your paying someone to do something that you can do in 15 min once you’ve done it a few times.

Nowhere is anyone saying we should stop all ag in California. In fact it's the opposite, stop growing such water intensive, nonessential crops so there is water left for everything else.

You seem to be thinking about overall water policy, not Cal specific water policy. Your right, consumer electronics use a lot of water...and we don’t manufacture many of those in California. And yes...food is a fundamental need, Almonds specifically are not. Jesus Christ, straw man much?

If we stop growing almonds and alfalfa, are there no other crops to grow? Is the only answer to turn it into a parking lot? There are plenty of other crops that can be grown in their place that use less water. True, they are not as profitable, but lets be honest...that profit is going to a select few. Almonds and

Short term unemployment is a damn sight better than emptying our aquifers, causing them to collapse in on themselves, permanently reducing the water available to the region.

When Nestle was lobbying to put their fucking bottling plant down here in Sacramento I was raging about it on a daily basis. Glad that now that the drought is even worse, the press is actually doing their job and bringing attention to this fucking theft of the commons.

Ag is only 2% of Cals GDP.

"Hey! Look at us. We have really good heath care and a lot of free time to spend our disposable income on stupid bullshit! If we get hurt it's fine! We can just move into one of the 3 extra bedrooms our parents have at their vacation home. Missing work!?! Thats ok too, I have a bunch of paid sick days built up at my

Because people are lazy and forgetful. The amount they spend to hand sort the paper forms will be more than made up for by the people who neglect to send the form in precisely because it’s on paper.

Can you not fucking read?