Jeff Duncan

California supplies somewhere around 50% of all federal tax revenue, so we would essentially be bailing ourselves out.

Looks like someones daddy died of an overdose. Maybe you should be talking to a therapist instead wasting everyone's time with your judgmental bullshit.

Well...the NFL is a nonprofit so...the cheerleaders really should be working completely for free...cause the NFL is making no money itself?

Using "skateboard" as a verb, and referring to ramp skating as "half-pipe" means there is a 95% chance that you actually never really skated. More likely you dabbled for a couple of months. (or your pushing 65...if that's the case, I sincerely apologize.)

You could not be more wrong, now move along little lamb.

Wow...you're really kind of an idiot.

I love how they put poor in quotes. What assholes.

*Faith is the greatest form of mind control the human race has ever seen. It is not a virtue to believe in something that is impossible simply because some monkey with a special hat told you to, backed up by the threat of an equally impossible hellfire. It is, in fact, profound cowardice.

Is not believing in Santa Claus also a philosophy?

Agreed...just finished it, really great.

I'm unsure as well, am I missing something?

I agree with Stossel on many things, but he rarely does much deep research into the issues he covers. He thinks that all issues are black and white with no nuance at all. Even when I agree with him, I usually don't agree with the simplistic way that he comes to his conclusion.

Seriously, if they feel like the Dualshock 3 sticks I'm gonna be bummed! I hate those things.

I'm so tired of hearing this argument...which is not true by the way. Companies charge the price that the market will bear, period. If Apples taxes went up, they couldn't just start charging an extra $200 for an iPad. If they thought that people would buy a base model iPad for $700, guess what...they would be

My eating habits for years have consisted of eating nothing but black coffee throughout the day, then eating dinner around 9 or 10, with maybe a snack around 2 before I hit the sack. I've heard from people for years that it was unhealthy, but my weight has always been stable and healthy, and I have no health

Go to jail for a tiny heart tattoo, cut off the tip of your son's dick, a ok....because religion!

Cool, tattoos for every toddler! I'm gonna get mine a "live fast, die young" skull and crossbones. It's fine if you don't want your kids to get tattoos, but it's my choice as a parent.

Yes they were.

Nope...causality was not clearly demonstrated in the studies. The studies had many, many problems.