
Some people just have a one track mind.



That article was the first thing I thought of also. I don't know whether it was a paid advertisement or just the shittiest advice I'd ever heard - either way, yeah...blergh.

I would have said "attenuating" instead of "resonating." I'm not sure if that's correct even but it sounds good to me.

"When I have nothing to say, my lips are sealed. Say something once, why say it again?" - David Byrne

Good point. So what did you have for lunch today?

Exactly this. I'd rather have pauses than a conversation that devolves into some automatic, soulless discourse. I usually know when this has happened when (insert random person here) starts asking me what I ate that day. Why do people always ask that?

So they have determined potato chips make you gain weight - incredible. So this is what it feels to live on the bleeding edge of the science and information age. You go, science!

Douche-scented air freshener. I can already see myself gallivanting through a field of daisies.

Did Paypal pay for this article? I mean this is some shitty, shitty, shitty, shitty advice.

Don't keep money in Paypal if you don't have to. All it takes is one nutjob to make a claim against you (legit or not) and Paypal may decide freeze your account. Paypal's customer service -sucks serious ass- and getting your money back can be extremely difficult if not altogether impossible.

May 21st: Rapture - cancelled

When using a credit card, if you get scammed or have serious problems with a vendor, you can initiate a chargeback (you get your money back if CC company rules in your favor). You can't do that with a debit card.

TRIM won't pass thru Marvell SATA3 ports. However, Intel's SATA2 ports (which will accommodate TRIM) are faster in most tasks with the exception of sequential reads.

Exactly. There really isn't a need to make tweaks to your OS to accommodate a modern SSD. I'm pretty sure Win7 disables Superfetch and scheduled defrag when it detects an SSD.

So not only is it an advertisement, it's a false-advertisement. Just think of it as a new hack to help you get rid of excess money.

Whichever I choose it amounts to the same—absolutely nothing.

Yet another reason not to tell FB your birthday. You can also keep it hidden through the easy-to-navigate privacy settings.

This happened to me once back in the Vista days, I think it happened when I replaced some RAM. I called the phone number and spoke to a guy in India. He asked how many other computers did I have this copy of Vista installed? I said zero others. He said ok and gave me a new unlock code.