
It's refreshing to hear Adam say that Snopes shouldn't be assumed to be the absolute truth. I hear so many Netizens that cite Snopes and blindly consider it to be 100% accurate—it isn't. It's really too boring to get into but I once stumbled upon a Snopes entry that "debunked" something that I know to be a 100% -

"Nobody will notice this hole if we dress the fan in sexy underwear."

The title of this article overly sensationalized to the point of being false. Even the Enquirer would probably turn their nose up at this excrement.

@MattyMattMatt: Yeah I usually try to hold the fans secure because, depending on the amount of air you're using, you could spin the fans faster than they're designed to tolerate.

@blackhammer: Seconded. I own the same unit. It's like a tornado in your hand.

And Potato Soap works UNBELIEVABLY well.

It's not just speed but it's comfort. I've been using Dvorak since 1994 and haven't looked back. And yeah, that is the one bad thing, I can't type on QWERTY anymore.

Last night my heat went out and since it was 20 degrees I froze all night until 9am and had a talk with my cockatiel about where the F is emergency maintenance. Does that count?

Sure why not? It won't support TRIM, however, but that's far from a deal-breaker imho. Most modern SSDs have plenty capable garbage collection. But if the laptop is that old, maybe putting the money toward a new laptop w/ SSD and Windows 7 is a better choice.

Maybe we're talking about 2 different things here. What I'm noticing is that when the Menu Bar is displayed (it's off by default), if you try to drag the window by grabbing around top, it is mostly unresponsive but will work after several seconds. If I disappear the menu bar, it works fine. Granted, it's my first

I found out if you disable hardware acceleration in advanced options you get the old non-fuzzy fonts back. I didn't notice any performance hit on my rig but ymmv.

I'm having an issue when the menu bar is showing, it is very difficult to grab and drag the browser window. Anyone else?

You wouldn't download a diamond, would you?

You can block like stories and a bunch of other stuff using FFixer and Greasemonkey in Firefox.

!uoy syaS

I haven't been sick since I started taking 5000IU of Vitamin D per day a few years ago. Anyone who doesn't get regular sunlight (uvb) will most likely be Vitamin D deficient. I think this is one of the most overlooked and important factors to staying healthy. You can get a year's supply for 15 dollars. Clearly,

For me, Blue Valentine was like digging in your flesh to remove a splinter for 2 hours and never getting it out.

I have the side-scrolls on my mouse bound to control+ and control- which allows me to quickly change the font size within Firefox.