Fat Sausage Fingers

as if “cool murder scenes” is the only thing that makes John Wick good and not the fact that it has an emotional and thematic depth that other action movies lack.

Looking forward to Fox News embracing a member of NWA.

I’m always glad to hear when “Sophie” from Peep Show is doing more great things!

She looks like someone wearing a very good Lucy costume and makeup. Which I agree is all she needs (same with the close but not identical voice). I think it’s been well established that ultimately it’s about capturing the essence of the subject, not being a spot-on impersonator (which can get boring fast if the story

I think it’s safe to say the majority of these articles are written on smartphones.


We anticipate a deluge of skate trolls piling on the clip in its comments section, claiming Williams isn’t actually doing anything all that complex, to which we say: Shut the absolute hell up, jerks. You try making it in Detroit, accomplishing just that, then closing out a live news piece while cruising around a

How many Red Shirts were lost on this mission?

I’ll only watch this if Conan shows up to relentlessly make fun of him

I think it’s fine Silverman questions this, I don’t think she’s being overly sensitive for pondering it. Anti-semitism is still going strong.

Thank you for this insightful and extremely valuable comment. The internet was made a better place today, thanks to you. Pat yourself on the back, hero.

Remember when the Onion was a once weekly?  I think it was Tuesdays when they’d post a new paper online.  And every one of them was a gem.  Now, it’s just mostly goddamn slideshows.

You're just spitting hairs here. 

I’m not normally “that guy” but isn’t it spitting image and not splitting image?

He now plans to spend more quality time with his pile of cash.

I want the fanservice nostalgiapalooza, shot for shot remake of TNG I have had in my head since 1995, and if I don’t get it I’ll scweam and I’ll scweam until I turn blue.

Thanks, she likes it when you call her.

That’s the first thing I thought too. The picture with this article has three celebrities, Brian Baumgartner, Andy Dick, and Larry Thomas. I can’t at all tell why Baumgartner or Thomas are “straight out of our nightmares.”

Who the fuck goes to this sorta shit?