Fat Sausage Fingers

I think it is absolutely important to raise up Will Harris for that interview done by “us” in 2014, and post his current website, and raise up his book on the making of Airplane! which was released last year. Here y’all go: https://willharris.substack.com/p/2023-my-year-in-review

Blazing Saddles alone is a greater contribution to cinema than many lauded screenwriters are able to manage in their entire careers. Based on the quotes and anecdotes in this article, he was also just a real mensch as well.

Also to reiterate, no Fred Ward?? Fred Ward???

And then the rest of the gang starts shouting over him.  You get a lot more words in with five people talking at once!

What in the actual Christ is that headline?

“Donned an iconic,” not “dawned.”

Stay tuned for the slideshow of Burt’s greatest hits.

That’s. . .a mighty short obituary for someone who had that long of a career.

Ah, good ol’ legend of stage and screen, Rita Lorena.

Terror on the Prarie sounds like a headline Kent Brockman would read.

Boy is met with the challenge of facing his amazing and important Destiny. Can one cry from boredom?

I don’t feel very grumpy and I think the movie looks sweet, but not particularly affecting. I’m not sure what I should be bawling about, exactly.

If the precise location is not relevant to the story, then it’s not even worth mentioning. Usually, a news report will frame a location as “the corner of so-and-so, has a history of activity” or “this address is relatively quiet, which is surprising to locals”.

Kinda defeats the purpose of a news article if you need to do further research for it to make sense. 

Or at least just report the information without tossing in a weird, unnecessary little aside implying that Baltimore is some obscure podunk. But hey, by Barsanti’s standards, this is pretty tame. For instance, he avoided accusing Natalie Portman of racism. Or even of driving a Jeep. (https://www.avclub.com/troy-kotsur-

I’m begging the writers of this site to read what they’ve just written before posting.

“it comes down to $105 for one year with no ads or $70 for one year without ads.”

Now this, friends, is peak Barsanti Newswire - an inconsequential news story sttrreeeeeeeettttcchhhhheedd out to 300 words with the aid of some aimless snark that winds up making it seem like he’s mocking the subject of the piece for no apparent reason (heh, Jeep owners are dumb) and a random hot take that nods toward

In other G20 countries, auto theft is encouraged and rewarded with a celebrity photo. If you disagree you are a fascist.

Martin pivoted to focus on acting in 1981