Fat Sausage Fingers

I think the word “trauma” might be a tad overused.

Maybe in this movie Wakanda abolishes the monarchy, institutes democracy, and expands its relief program beyond building a community center in Oakland?

I think you mean “M4trix.”

I gave Rabin a LOT of props for being willing to venture into strange, unexplored territory. I mean, country AND western music?

Sucks because there’s really only one performer the Juggalos would accept as Violent J’s replacement and Tony Bennett is retiring too.

Yeah. Her chemistry with Rosie O’Donnell was really good too.

Man, the tone of that song was totally wrong for the film. Don’t get me wrong, as far as slow pop songs go, it’s not a bad tune, but why play such a bummer of a song over the closing credits of an otherwise really fun movie?

Even though I saw a different name in the credits, I refused—nay, I STILL REFUSE—to believe that older Dottie was NOT Geena Davis in old person makeup.

The film did end up being entertaining and definitely put a spotlight on this unusual time in baseball for women. Whether Winger could have brought something different to the table, one thing is for sure. Gena Davis in the lead roll knocked it out of the park. And a genius bit of casting shepherded by Marshall was

Ron White, so great.

Seems like an ok guy and definitely not the hackiest of the quartet but “here’s your sign” always seemed to me a transparent attempt to coin his own catch phrase to go along with “get er done” and “you might be a redneck.”  I always liked the drinky guy the most of the four.


Don’t you just hate it when diarrhea messes up your cornhole?

Well, shit.

Now playing

That’s awesome. I’m sure that Bob appreciates David’s support while the former is in the hospital. David sure did when the tables were turned.

I’m pretty sure that’s the joke I was saying.

I love how the big shock is something only corporate suits would care about.

if you wanted to be a little unfair and clickbait-y

That’s so bizarre they keep saying poker, and in some scenes he’s playing poker, but being able to count cards is of almost no use in poker (unless you’re playing seven card stud, and even there it’s not super important). Counting cards is a blackjack skill. 

Nazis buy sneakers too...