Fat Sausage Fingers

This is all well and good until the robots start dunking human heads.


I am pretty sure he’s entirely basing this stupid statement on the Shannon Lee objecting to Tarantino business and put absolutely no thought whatsoever into any other possible scenario.

“In fact, making sure you can get approval from your subject and/or their family should probably be the first step when it comes to making a biopic”

In fact, making sure you can get approval from your subject and/or their family should probably be the first step when it comes to making a biopic

Now playing

I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone so delighted and suprised in my life than before this scene!

I really want to hear his thoughts on Jordan Peele’s impression of him in Key and Peele’s Urkel/Twilight Zone sketch

Shine A Light (2008)

I truly love reading a withering A.A. review, almost as much I love (and miss) a Vishnevetsky take-down.

Saying that it’s okay for a movie to be shitty because it’s for kids is really insulting to children. A bad movie is a bad movie, regardless of who its target audience is.

I know this isn’t the point at all, but I find it so odd to have LeBron play himself and then invent a fictional son for him.

I’m sure he’s exceedingly disappointed by your feelings and will work extra hard to make you happy somehow.

If she thought her genitals wouldn’t be shown why did she do the scene without pants to begin with? I mean what did she think they were off for?

Do you think robotics/ai developers ever get sick of every single advancement in their field constantly being compared to the Terminator?

This is the 2021 AVClub, you are lucky they spelled her name right

I just can’t get over the fact that he’s calling this new series “Channel 5.” Like are we going to see the Married News Team and Dr. Steve Brule anytime soon?

I’m surprised I made it to the end of that clip, but I’m bizarrely impressed that the laugh track has a “we don’t get this” setting for that Whole Foods joke.

Yes. Strong has bitterly been looking for an exit after she asked to leave Update 7 years ago.

Weird that people think she owes anyone an answer.

Vera F doing her best Edie F is a very nice Freudian choice.